Prof. André Podleisek

IPEK Institut für Produktdesign, Entwicklung und KonstruktionProfessor, Nachhaltigkeitsbeauftragter OST

+41 58 257 46

Further Information

André Podleisek is Professor for Sustainability and Quality in Industry in the IPEK Institute of Engineering, Product Industrial Engineering and Product Lifecycle Management at OST - Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences. His research focuses on realizing net zero and circular business models and on respecting human rights in value chains of industrial companies. André works with companies to help them generate sustainable revenue through responsible business models, products with lower environmental impact, and transparent reporting. One of his key concepts is the perspective change in sustainability from risks, liability and burdens to opportunities, value and success for the company, its employees, and its value chain.
André Podleisek is German and studied environmental engineering at BTU Cottbus (Germany). From 2003 to 2021 he held various sustainability-related positions in leading international companies such as the Robert Bosch Group (Germany), Mettler Toledo (Switzerland) and Schindler Group (Switzerland) before he became appointed professor at OST in 2021.

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