Dr. Benjamin Dominique Klink

ISM Institut für Strategie und MarketingKompetenzzentrum Marketing

+41 58 257 17 78benjamin.klink@ost.ch

Benjamin Klink is a Lecturer in Marketing with a focus on e-commerce at the Department of Strategy and Marketing. His research focuses on strategic marketing in online retailing and digital contexts. He has several years of practical experience in brick-and-mortar retail. Ben holds a PhD in Marketing from the University of St. Gallen (HSG).

Area of Expertise

  • Strategic e-commerce marketing
  • Retail marketing
  • Consumer behavior in the digital economy


  • PhD in Marketing on the Marketing Mix in Online Retailing, University of St. Gallen (HSG)
  • Master of Science in International Management, University of Bath, UK
  • Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration, University of Applied Sciences Neu-Ulm, Germany
  • Bachelor Professional of Trade and Commerce, IHK Ulm (Chamber of Commerce), Germany

Professional Experience

  • Lecturer for Marketing with focus on e-commerce at the Department of Strategy and Marketing, Competence Center Marketing Management
  • Junior Branch Manager, ALDI SÜD


  • European Marketing Academy

Editorial and Reviewing

Reviewer for EMAC Annual and EMAC Regional conferences of the European Marketing Academy

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Conference Proceedings

  • KLINK, B. D., BRÜGGEMANN, P., MARTINEZ, L. F., CHICA, M. (2024). What Impacts Sustainable Purchases in Uncertain Times? A Longitudinal Empirical Investigation. 15th EMAC Regional Conference 2024.
  • KLINK, B. D. (2024). The Effect of Online Retailer Brand Equity on Market Performance: An Empirical Examination. 53rd EMAC Annual Conference 2024.
  • KLINK, B. D., SCHWEIZER, S., RUDOLPH, T. (2024). Identifying and Testing Drivers of Consumers’ Attitude Towards Last-Mile Delivery Modes. Electronic Commerce Research.
  • KLINK, B. D. (2023). “Show, then tell”: Creating Brand Equity through Performative Branding. 14th EMAC Regional Conference.
  • KLINK, B. D. (2023). Uncovering the Competitive Advantage of Corporate Brand Equity in E-Commerce. 52nd EMAC Annual Conference.
  • KLINK, B. D., RUDOLPH, T. (2022). E-Commerce Marketing Mix Effects on Online Patronage: A Meta-Analysis. 13th EMAC Regional Conference.
  • KLINK, B. D., RUDOLPH, T. (2022). A Taxonomy of Marketing Instruments in E-Commerce. 51st EMAC Annual Conference.
  • KLINK, B. D., RUDOLPH, T. (2021). Online Patronage: Primer, Systematic Literature Review, and Conceptualization. 12th EMAC Regional Conference, September 22-24, 2021, Proceedings.

Professional Journals and Newspaper

  • RUDOLPH, T., KLINK, B. D., HOANG, M. (2021). Der Schweizer Onlinehandel | Internetnutzung Schweiz 2021. Forschungszentrum für Handelsmanagement, Universität St. Gallen.
  • RUDOLPH, T., KLINK, B. D., EGGENSCHWILER, M., HOANG, M. (2021). Whitepaper: Lehren aus der Corona-Krise für das Handelsmanagement. Forschungszentrum für Handelsmanagement, Universität St. Gallen.
  • RUDOLPH, T., KLEINLERCHER, K., NEUMÜLLER, K., KLINK, B. D. (2019). Der Schweizer Online Handel. Internetnutzung Schweiz 2019. Forschungszentrum für Handelsmanagement, Universität St. Gallen.

Extended Abstracts, Poster Presentations and Workshop Contributions

  • KLINK, B. D., BRÜGGEMANN, P., MARTINEZ, L. F., CHICA, M. (2024). Sustainable Consumption Amidst Macro-Environmental Disruption – A Longitudinal Empirical Examination of Organic and Fair-Trade Products. ESSEC Retailing Conference 2024.
  • LINZMAJER, M., KLINK, B. D., HAUSCHKE, A., RUDOLPH, T. (2021). Contagious Frontline Employees: The Effect of Frontline Employee Empowerment on Online Customer Reviews. 7. Rostocker Dienstleistungstagung, September 9-10, 2021.