Laura Koller

IOL Institut für Organisation und LeadershipWissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
+41 58 257 16
Laura Koller is a research assistant at the IOL Institute for Organisation and Leadership. In research and service projects with public institutions, SMEs and NPOs, she focuses on topics related to organisational development, sustainability and quality, and supports lecturers in preparing and following up on course content.
Area of Expertise
- Organisational development and transformation
- Process and quality management
- Data collection, analysis and visualization
- Bachelor degree in business administration: BSc in Tourism, FHGR University of Applied Sciences Graubünden (Major: Sustainable Tourism and International Development)
- currently in education: MSc in Business Administration focusing on Sustainable Business Development, FHGR University of Applied Sciences Graubünden
Professional Experience
- Research Assistant, IOL Institute for Organisation and Leadership, Competence Center Organisation
- Project Assistant, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL
- Trainee, Switzerland Tourism (Market research and services)
- Sales administrator, Forster Rohner AG
- Research project "RegIdent": Increased appreciation of regional identity of food products through consumer-friendly and transparent information.
- Research project "Predictive HR-Analytics", project partners: HR-Campus, Helvetia, LaPrairie, Manor, Siemens
Professional Journals and Newspaper
- PLLUMBARDH, K., KOLLER, L. (2022). Energetische Sanierung: Heizungsinstallateure machen nachhaltig Eindruck. baublatt (6), pp. 18-20. Docu Media Schweiz GmbH , Adliswil, Schweiz.
Teaching-Related Publications
- SEITZ, J., KOLLER, L. (2024). Das Patagonia-Dilemma: Angewandte Fallstudie zu Herausforderungen von Nachhaltigkeit und Profitabilität.
- BISCHOF, N., KOLLER, L. (2022). Geführte Selbstorganisation. Open Education Platform for Management Schools, 352.