Prof. Pascal Bechtiger

IFL Institut für Finance und LawKompetenzzentrum Banking und Finance
+41 58 257 13
Pascal Bechtiger is a professor in Banking and Finance at the Department of Finance and Law (Center for Banking and Finance). He teaches and conducts research in the field of private financial planning. He holds a Master's degree from the University of St. Gallen (HSG) in Banking and Finance and has several years of practical experience in areas related to financial planning. Pascal Bechtiger is co-author of the book titled "Orientierung statt Moneypulierung".
Area of Expertise
- Financial Planning
- Financial Investments
- Asset & Portfolio Management
- M.A. HSG in Banking und Finance (MBF), HSG
- Betriebsökonom FH, FHS St. Gallen
- Eidg. dipl. KMU-Finanzexperte
Professional Experience
- since 2022 full-time professor of Banking & Finance
- 2015 - 2021 full-time lecturer of Banking & Finance
- Previously several years of practical experience in private banking and financial consulting
Teaching Experience
- Financial Planning (Bachelor level)
- Finance and Accounting (Bachelor level)
- Accounting and Finance (Bachelor level)
- Advisor for student consulting projects and bachelor theses
- Co-director "MAS in Banking and Finance"
- Course leader "CAS Financial Planning in Private Banking"
- Module leader "Financial Planning"
Consulting services and research projects for financial service providers and medium-sized companies
Books and Research Monographs
- BECHTIGER, P., SPRING, R. (2022). Orientierung statt Moneypulierung (1. ed.). Zürich: Verlag SKV.
Chapters in Edited Books
- GEHRIG, M., RUPF, G., BECHTIGER, P. (2021). Rückstellungen in der Corona-Krise – Einfluss auf handelsrechtliche und steuerrechtliche Rückstellungen. In Eberle, R., Oesch, D., Pfaff, D. (Eds.), Jahrbuch Finanz- und Rechnungswesen 2021 (pp. 31-47). Zürich: WEKA Business Media AG.
Professional Journals and Newspaper
- BECHTIGER, P., EGLOFF, P. (2024). Auswirkungen der Inflation auf die Finanzplanung. Focus Treuhand, 2024 (02), pp. 6-8.
- GEHRIG, M., RUPF, G., BECHTIGER, P. (2021). Rückstellungen in der Corona-Krise. WEKA Business Media AG, Finanz- und Rechnungswesen Newsletter (2), pp. 1-4. Zürich.
- BECHTIGER, P., GEHRIG, M., SCHMALLOWSKY, K., SCHMALLOWSKY, T. (2020). Die Besteuerung einer Auszahlung aus einer fondsgebundenen Lebensversicherungsaussicht eines Grenzgängers. WzS Wege zur Sozialversicherung, 11/2020 (74. Jahrgang), pp. 329-334. Berlin.
- BECHTIGER, P. (2020). Infiziert Corona auch die berufliche Vorsorge? LEADER Das Unternehmermagazin. St. Gallen.
- BECHTIGER, P. (2019, August). Private Finanzplanung: Auch Pensionierungsplanung - aber nicht nur. MB-Revue – Das Schweizer Industriemagazin, pp. 58-60.
Teaching-Related Publications
- BECHTIGER, P., NÄF, N. (2022). Szenarienbasierte Pensionierungsplanung auf der Grundlage systemrelevanter Planungsvariabeln. Open Education Platform for Management Schools, 329.
- BECHTIGER, P., GEHRIG, M. (2021). Unternehmensnachfolge mittels MBO. Open Education Platform for Management Schools, 259.
- BECHTIGER, P. (2020). Private Finanzplanung für Herr und Frau Muster. Open Education Platform for Management Schools, 207.
- BECHTIGER, P. (2018). Praxisreferat OBA 2018 - Jugendverschuldung. OBA.