Prof. Thomas Metzger, lic.oec. HSG / dipl. Hdl.

Departement WirtschaftLeiter School of Management | Standortleiter St.Gallen
+41 58 257 17
Thomas Metzger is Professor of Systemic Management and Business Administration and, as head of student programs in the School of Management, a member of the executive board of the School of Management. He also is the head of the bachelor's program in Business Administration and currently teaches courses in employee-oriented management and in systemic management.
At the University of St.Gallen he studied leadership and human resource management and completed a master in teaching economics, business administration and law.
Before joining the Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences, he worked for several years in the field of excecutiv search and as a management consultant.
Thomas Metzger also holds a teaching license for elementary schools in the canton St. Gallen and has several years of teaching experience at almost all levels of the Swiss school system.
Area of Expertise
- Systemic management
- Employee-oriented management
- University management
- Continuing Education in Higher Education Management
- lic. oec HSG (Master of University of St.Gallen), certified teacher in economics, business admistration and law
- Primary teaching diploma canton St.Gallen
Professional Experience
- Executive Search and Management Consulting, ime Management Consulting AG, St.Gallen
Teaching Experience
- Systemic Management
- Employee-oriented corporate management
- Financial accounting
- Operational accounting
- Student projects
- additionally teaching experience at practically all levels of the Swiss school system
- Overall responsibilty of the curriculum development of the Bachelor's degree programs in the School of Management.
- Head of curriculum development of the Bachelor's degree program in School of Management
- Lecturer assignment planning in the School of Management
- Project Kickstart OST: Working Group "Teaching"
- Excecutive Board of the School of Management
- Working Group "Teaching" (Kickstart OST)
- Commission "Teaching" at OST - Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences
- OST Alumni (OST - Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences)
- HSG Alumni (University of St.Gallen)
Editorial and Reviewing
- Jury member: e-Business-Challenge of the OST - Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Conference Proceedings
- WAIBEL, R., MAUCHLE, U., METZGER, T., TIETZ, R. (2021). Grundzüge einer gleichheitsfördernden Arbeitsmarktpolitik in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Der Betriebswirt - Management in Wissenschaft und Praxis, 62 (1), pp. 31-68.
- WAIBEL, R., METZGER, T., TIETZ, R. (2020). Vom System Natur lernen: Wie Firmen nach Corona die VUKA-Welt besser überleben. Der Betriebswirt - Management in Wissenschaft und Praxis, 61 (2), pp. 67-87.
- WAIBEL, R., WEIS, F. S., METZGER, T., MINDER HOCHREUTENER, S., PFISTER, K. (2020). Evidenz von Dunning-Kruger-Effekten bei Schweizer Hochschulstudierenden. Empirische Pädagogik, 34 (2), pp. 157-178.
Books and Research Monographs
- MAUCHLE, U., WAIBEL, R., BIEBER, K., KLEINER, M., METZGER, T., MINDER HOCHREUTENER, S., ... ZAJITSCHEK, S. (2024). Betriebswirtschaft für Führungskräfte: Fallstudien und Übungen (6., vollständig überarbeitete Auflage ed.). Zürich: Versus Verlag AG.
- WAIBEL, R., KÄPPELI, M., HAUSER, M., METZGER, T., MINDER HOCHREUTENER, S., TIETZ, R., WILLI, D. (2019). Betriebswirtschaft für Führungspersonen (6 ed.). Zürich: Versus Verlag AG.
Professional Journals and Newspaper
- METZGER, T., WAIBEL, R. (2019, March). Warum die digitale Transformation eine Vertrauenskultur braucht. KMU Magazin, 22 (3), pp. 32-35.