The judges

Select the winning teams, primarily on the basis of the economic value provided by the projects.

The judging panel consists of eight high-calibre representatives from the worlds of business and science. Each year, it takes up the challenge of selecting the best projects in the categories Market Research and Management Design. It does so on the basis of defined project selection processes and criteria and in accordance with the judging regulations.

Business leaders as prize sponsors

Mario Davatz
Head of Bühler Energy Center

Sponsor of 1st prize Market Research

Portrait Thomas Harring, Judge of the WTT YOUNG LEADER AWARD

Thomas Harring

Sponsor of 1st prize Management Design

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Thomas Bosshard
Co-CEO & Mitinhaber Oertli Instrumente AG

Sponsor of 2nd/3rd prize Market Research

Heidi Bösch
Leiterin Direktion Personelles & Klubschule

Sponsor of 2nd/3rd prize Management Design

Business experts

Portrait Martin Knöpfel, Juror WTT YOUNG LEADER AWARD

Martin Knoepfel

Daniel Wessner
Amtsleiter, Amt für Wirtschaft und Arbeit

Education and teaching experts

Portrait Prof. Dr. Daniel Seelhofer, Judge of the WTT YOUNG LEADER AWARD

Prof. Dr. Daniel Seelhofer
Principal OST

Prof. Thomas Metzger
Leiter Departement Wirtschaft