Archive Metal Manufacturing Technologies
Here you will find the archive of technical papers from the research field Metal Manufacturing Technologies
Referee International Journal papers
Weingärtner, E. Wegener; K., Rabiey, M.: Dressing, CIRP Encyclopedia of Production Engineering, 2016, Print ISBN 978-3-642-20616-0; pp 408 - 413
Rabiey, M.; Jochum, N.; Kuster, F.: „High Performance Grinding of Zirconium Oxide (ZrO2) using Hybrid Bond Diamond Tool; CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 2013, Volume 62, Issue 1, 2013, pp 343–346
Walter, C.; Rabiey, M.; Warhanek, M.; Jochum, N.; Wegener, K.;: „ Dressing and truing of hybrid bonded CBN grinding tools using a short-pulsed fibre laser; CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Volume 61, Issue 1, 2012, pp 279–282
Transchel, R.; Dold, C.; Rabiey, M., Wegener, K.: Relevance of laser touch-dressed diamond tools for the dressing performance of vitrified-bonded silicon carbide, International Journal of Abrasive Technology, 2012, Band 5, Nr. 1, pp 48 - 61
Rabiey, M.; Walter, C.; Kuster, F.; Stirnimann, J.; Pude, F.; Wegener, K.;: „ Dressing of hybrid bond Superabrasive grinding wheels by pulse laser ablation; Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Volume 58, 2012 Issue 7-8, pp 462-469
Rabiey, M; Dold, C.; Transchel, R.; Wegener, K.;: „ Influence of picosecond laser touch dressing of electroplated diamond wheels on the dressing of SiC vitrified bond wheel, Journal of Key Engineering Materials, Advances in Abrasive Technology XIV, 2011, Vols 325, pp. 189-194
Wegener, K.; Hoffmeister, H.-W.; Karpuschewski, B.; Kuster, F.; Hahmann, W.-C.; Rabiey, M.: „ Conditioning and monitoring of grinding wheels ”, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Volume 60, Issue 2, 2011, pp. 757-777
Dold, C.; Transchel, R.; Rabiey, M.; Langenstein, P.; Jaeger, C.; Pude1, F.; Kuster, F.; Wegener, K.: „ A study on laser touch dressing of electroplated diamond wheels using pulsed picosecond laser sources”, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, Volume 60, Issue 1, 2011, pp. 363-366
Rabiey, M.; Tawakoli, T; Wegener, K.: „ The Effect of Special Structured Electroplated CBN Wheel in Dry Grinding of 100Cr6”, Journal of Key Engineering Materials, Advanced Materials Research Vols. 76-78 (2009) pp 119-124
Tawakoli, T; Rabiey, M.; Lewis, M.: „Neural Network Prediction of Dry Grinding by CBN Grinding Wheel using Special Conditioning”, International Journal of Material and Product Technology, Vol 35, No. 1/2, 2009. pp. 118-132
Tawakoli, T; Azarhoushang, B..; Rabiey, M.: „Grinding of soft steel with assistance of ultrasonic vibrations« Journal of Key Engineering Materials Advances in Abrasive Technology XI, Vols 389-390, Jan. 2009, pp. 271-276
Tawakoli, T.; Rabiey, M.: „Macro-topography effect on Dry Grinding with CBN Wheel”, International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 1, No. 4, 2008, pp. 415-431
Tawakoli, T.; Azarhoushang, B., Rabiey, M: „Effects of ultrasonic vibration on grinding of 100Cr6”, International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems, Vol. 1, No. 4, 2008, pp. 332-342
Tawakoli, T; Rabiey, M.: „ An Innovative Concept and it’s Effects on Wheel Surface Topography in Dry Grinding by Resin and Vitrified Bond CBN Wheel » Journal of Machining Science and Technology, Vol. 12, N0. 4, 2008. pp. 514-528
Tawakoli, T.; Azarhoushang, B.; Rabiey, M.: “Ultrasonic assisted dry grinding of 42CrMo4”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2008, Springer London, 18.07.2008, Vol. 42, :No. 9, pp. 883-891
Tawakoli, T; Rabiey, M.: „An Innovative Concept for Dry Grinding with Resin and Vitrified Bond CBN Wheel”, Advances in Abrasive Technology X, ISBN 087263853-7, 2007 pp. 17-23
Tawakoli, T.; Westkämper, E.; Rabiey, M.; Rasifard, A.: “Influence of the type of coolant lubricant on the grinding with CBN-tools”, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 47, 2007, pp. 729-733
Tawakoli, T.; Rasifard, A.; Rabiey, M.: “High Efficiency Internal Cylindrical Grinding with a new Kinematics”, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 47, 2007, pp. 734-739
Tawakoli, T.; Westkämper, E.; Rabiey, M.: “Dry grinding by special conditioning”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Vol. 33, No.3, 08.11.2006, pp. 419-424
German Journal papers
Tawakoli, T; Rabiey, M.: „Trockenschleifen mit CBN Schleifscheibe, der Effekt der Makro-Topographie, Diamant Hochleistungswerkzeuge, I/2009, pp. 32-45
Tawakoli, T; Azarhoushang, A.; Rabiey, M.: „Ultraschalunterstütztes Schleifen von nicht gehärteten Stahl“, Industrie Diamanten Rundschau , IDR 42-III/2008, pp. 42-63
Tawakoli, T; Rabiey, M.: „Trockenschleifen mit CBN-Schleifscheiben – ein innovatives Konzept“, Jahrbuch Schleifen, Honen, Läppen und Polieren 63. Ausgabe, 2007, pp. 100-118
Tawakoli, T.; Rabiey, M.: Innovatives Schleifscheibenkonzept zum Trockenschleifen auf dem Vormarsch, Industrie Diamanten Rundschau , IDR 40-III/2006, pp. 30-35
Conference papers with peer reviewing
Rabiey, M.; Tawakoli, T; Wegener, K.: „ The Effect of Special Structured Electroplated CBN Wheel in Dry Grinding of 100Cr6”, ISAAT Conference, 27-30 September 2009, Gold Coast, Australia
Tawakoli, T; Azarhoushang, B., Rabiey, M.: „Grinding of Soft Steel with Assistance of Ultrasonic Vibrations« ISAAT Conference, 01-03, Oct. 2008, Tokyo, Japan
Tawakoli, T; Rabiey, M.: „ High efficiency machining based on innovative kinematics for internal grinding and hard material cut-off » CIRP 1st international conference on process machine interaction, Hannover, Germany, 2008, ISBN: 978-3-939026-95-2, pp. 317-324
Tawakoli, T; Azarhoushang, B..; Rabiey, M.: „ Ultraschallunterstütztes Schleifen von nicht gehärtetem Stahl, 7.Seminar Moderne Schleiftechnologie und Feinstbearbeitung, Haus der Wirtschaft, Stuttgart, Germany, ISBN 3-00-013657-6, 2008, pp. 4a.1-4a.15
Tawakoli, T; Rabiey, M.: „Trockenschleifen mit CBN Schleifscheibe, der Effekt der Makro-Topographie“, 7. Seminar Moderne Schleiftechnologie und Feinstbearbeitung, Haus der Wirtschaft, Stuttgart, Germany, ISBN 978-3-00-024493-3, 2008, pp. 15.1-15.21
Tawakoli, T; Rabiey, M.: “Dry grinding by special structured electroplated CBN wheel”, INTERTECH 2008 conference, proceeding CD, Orlando, Florida, USA
Tawakoli, T.; Westkämper, E.; Rabiey, M.: „A New Development in Dry Grinding”, CIRP 40th International Seminar on manufacturing systems, CD Proceeding, 30-01 June 2007, Liverpool, UK
Tawakoli, T.; Rabiey, M.: “An Innovative Concept for Dry grinding with CBN tools”, 2nd International Conference of Diamond at Work, CD Proceeding, 19-20 April 2007, Rom, Italy
Tawakoli, T.; Rabiey, M.: “Dry Grinding Using CBN tools”, CPIE Conference, 22-24 March 2007, CD Proceeding Jalandhar, India
Tawakoli, T.; Westkämper, E.; Rabiey, M.: “Dry grinding by special conditioning”, 2nd CIRP International conference on High Performance Cutting (HPC), Proceeding CD, 12-13 June 2006, Vancouver, Canada
Tawakoli, T; Rabiey, M.: “High efficiency machine base on new kinematics for hard material cutting with superabrasive tools”, INTERTECH 2006 conference, Proceeding CD, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Tawakoli, T; Rabiey, M.: „Trockenschleifen, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen“, 6. Seminar Moderne Schleiftechnologie und Feinstbearbeitung, Haus der Wirtschaft, Stuttgart, Germany, 2006, ISBN 3-00-013657-6, pp. 3a.1-3a.26
Tawakoli, T; Rabiey, M.; Kaiser, B: „Hartstofftrennung mit innovativer Kinematik“, 6. Seminar Moderne Schleiftechnologie und Feinstbearbeitung, Haus der Wirtschaft, Stuttgart, Germany, 2006, ISBN 3-00-013657-6, pp. 3c.1-3c.13
Tawakoli, T.; Rasifard, A.; Rabiey, M.: “High Efficiency Internal Cylindrical Grinding with a new Kinematics”, Tehran International Congress on Manufacturing Engineering, TICME 2005, December 12-15, 2005, Proceedings ISBN 964-8983-02-X
Tawakoli, T.; Westkämper, E.; Rabiey, M.; Rasifard, A.: “Influence of the type of coolant lubricant on the grinding with CBN-tools”, Tehran International Congress on Manufacturing Engineering, TICME 2005, December 12-15, 2005, Proceedings ISBN 964-8983-02-X
Tawakoli, T.; Rabiey, M.; Rasifard, A.: “The new developments in CBN grinding technology, 1st International Conference Diamond at Work”, Proceeding CD, October 2005, Barcelona, Spain
Tawakoli, T.; Westkämper, E.; Rabiey, M.; Rasifard, “A Systematic Study to Compare Oil with Emulsion for CBN Grinding Tools”, The 38th CIRP, International Seminar of Manufacturing Systems, May 16, 2005, Proceedings CD, Florianopolis, Brazilian
Tawakoli, T.; Rasifard, A.; Rabiey, M.: “A new kinematics for High Efficiency Internal Cylindrical Grinding with Optimised Surface Structure”, The 38th CIRP, International Seminar of Manufacturing Systems, Proceedings CD, May 16, 2005, Florianopolis, Brazilian
Tawakoli, T.; Rabiey, M.; Rasifard, „ Öl oder Emulsion als Kühlschmierstoffe, Resultate der systematischen Untersuchungen“, 5. Seminar „Moderne Schleiftechnologie und Feinstbearbeitung“, May 2004, Stuttgart, Germany, ISBN 3-00-013657-6, pp. 3c.1 - 3c.9
Rabiey, M.; Arezoo, B.: “CAPP (Computer Aided Process Planning) for 2.5 Dimensional Prismatic Parts”, second ISME International Conference of Mechanical Engineering., Shiraz, IRAN, April 1996, Conference proceeding, pp. 182-188
Papers in technical magazines (without scientific reviewing)
Tawakoli, T.; Rabiey, M.: “Trockenschleifen, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen”, Hoirzonte, Nr. 29, December 2006, pp. 33-38
Tawakoli, T.; Rabiey, M.: „ Hochgenaues Trennen von Hartstoffen mit neuem Kinematik“ Mikroproduktion Magazine, No. 4, 2006, pp. 43-46
Tawakoli, T.; Rabiey, M.: „Neuartige Kinematik steigert Effizienz“ MM Machinenmarkt Magazine, September 2006, pp. 52-54
Tawakoli, T.; Rabiey, M.; Kaiser, B: „Neues Konzept zur Hartstofftrennung mit innovativer Kinematik“ Maschinenbau und Metallbearbeitung, August 2006, pp. 54-56
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Rabiey
Head of Metal Manufacturing Technologies
+41 58 257 40 58