Wind energy project planning and operation is particularly difficult in Switzerland due to its complex terrain and challenging weather conditions. This requires Swiss wind farm planners and operators to apply a range of different advanced modelling and analysis techniques to each site, making it difficult to transfer…
The goal of this SFOE-funded project is to provide wind modellers and wind energy planners with recommendations for methods to efficiently obtain highly resolved spatio-temporal wind fields in mountainous terrain and with this to estimate energy yields.
Since 2023, Sarah Barber has been acting as Co-Operating Agent of IEA Wind Task 43 (Digitalisation). Part of the IEA Technology Collaboration Programme, IEA Wind Task 43 aims to unlock the full value of wind energy data.
Following the completion of the Aerosense project, we are transferring the technology to the ETH Zurich spin-off RTDT Laboratories AG.
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Divisons & Employees
Dr. Sarah BarberIET Institut für EnergietechnikHead of Wind Energy Innovation Division, Lecturer
+41 58 257 42