Research project
Integrated care in rural areas – innovative primary and emergency care
The Project aims at developing and piloting innovative ideas about how to organise primary and emergency care in rural areas based on medical group practices. Care models include organisational structures and strategies as well as the coordination of treatment processes especially at the interface between different health professions. In particular, we will examine how modern information and communication technologies can support care as well as organisational collaboration. To test the effectiveness of integrated care model it will be adapted to a particular region and evaluated by an interdisciplinary team.
Duration: 01.01.2012 - 31.12.2014
KTI Projekt-Nr. 14532.1 PFES-ES
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, FHS St. Gallen - Institut für Informations- und Prozessmanagement, Concordia, Medplace