Research project
Mobile Palliative Care
Reduce the strain on patients and their relatives in the palliative home care setting
Family caregivers represent a significant yet vulnerable resource in the care of people at the end of life. Provision of care at home can lead to physical and emotional exhaustion that can transform into a crisis for the family. How to respond to changing symptom clusters of people in their final stages of life can be especially challenging for relatives. The project is developing a systematic symptom documentation that helps stabilize domestic palliative care and avoid critical events from occurring. Apart from the subjective situation and symptom assessment, participants will receive an upper-arm sensor from the project partner Biovotion which measures various vital signs as well as temperature and movement. The findings will provide important insights into the symptom burden of patients at the end of life and their family caregivers. Based on these insights an emergency plan and a proposal for the division of roles among different actors and professions will be developed to reduce the strain on patients and their relatives in the palliative home care setting.
Link: Mobile Pallative Care.
Duration: 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2020
Das Projekt wird von der Gebert Rüf Stiftung gefördert.
FHS St.Gallen, Institut für Angewandte Pflegewissenschaft; FHS St.Gallen, Institut für Informations- und Prozessmanagement; Palliativer Brückendienst Krebsliga Ostschweiz; Biovotion
Renate Praxmarer, Krebsliga Ostschweiz;
Dr. sc. med. Eleonore Baum
IGW Institut für GesundheitswissenschaftenDozentin
+41 58 257 15