Outgoing Students

International Office – Schools of Technology / Computer Science / Architecture, Civil Engineering, Landscape Architecture,  Spatial Planning

Whether studying, doing an internship or attending a summer school abroad: a stay abroad is an unforgettable experience! During a stay abroad, you can  develop your professional, intercultural and language skills. The International Office supports you in all matters relating to your stay abroad.

«For me, studying abroad for a semester was an enormously important experience. Besides gaining new knowledge and independence, you can make an incredible number of international friends and also become aware of the cultural differences in the various countries.»

Outgoing, University of Stavanger, Computer Science, FS 2018

Why study abroad?

Studying Abroad

General Information

As an OST student, you can study 1-2 semesters at one of our partner universities. During your stay, you remain enrolled at OST and do not pay tuition fees at the partner university.

If you stay at a European partner university, you will receive a scholarship of around CHF 2000 per semester as part of the Swiss-European Mobility Programme (SEMP). There are only limited scholarships for non-European destinations.

You agree in advance which courses you will take at the partner university with the respective coordinator of your degree programme.
This guarantees that your courses taken abroad will be credited.

Alternatively to the normal semester stay, it is also possible to write your final thesis abroad.

If you cannot find a suitable university among our partners, you can also choose any university and study at your desired university as a so-called freemover. In this case, the organisation is a little more complicated and you have to pay the semester fees abroad yourself. We recommend a stay at one of our attractive partner universities.

You can find detailed information on all opportunities to stay abroad in our Moodle Course.

OST is well connected internationally and has over 180 diverse partner universities worldwide. Our network enables students to broaden their experience abroad, build international contacts, discover new things and thus invest in their future.

Choose your favourites from your schools's list of partners, check out the courses on offer and find out about the destinations.

Partner Institutions ABLR

Partner Institutions Engineering

Partner Institutions Computer Science

After you have researched your desired destination, discuss your course choice abroad with your coordinator. Then fill out the application form and submit it to the International Office by the deadline.

The application deadline for the following academic year is 31 January each year.
After that, you can apply until 31 July for the spring semester.

The International Office allocates places at the partner universities and nominates you at your host university. After you have been nominated you then apply directly at the host institution.

Detailed information and registration forms can be found on Moodle.

We are also happy to advise you personally. Please make an appointment with us for the consultation, we are looking forward to hearing from you!

Some of our partner universities, especially in the English-speaking world, require a language certificate.
Therefore, it makes sense to look into the requirements of the university of your choice early on and acquire an official language certificate.
The websites of the partner universities provide information about the certificates that are accepted, e.g. TOEFL, IELTS or Cambridge Certificate.

As an exchange student at an OST partner university, you do not pay tuition fees at the foreign host university. 

The cost of living varies greatly from country to country. Find out in advance about the expected costs at your destination. The International Office at your host university can often provide information about expected costs of living. 

If you stay at a European partner university, you will receive a scholarship of approximately CHF 2000 per semester from the Swiss-European Mobility Programme (SEMP). There are only limited scholarships for non-European destinations.

Students of Rapperswil campus can apply for a scholarship from the Albert Hausammann Foundation.

Some further possibilities for financial support can be found here:

Internship Abroad

General Information

An internship abroad is a great way to gain interesting (work) experience and make professional contacts while also improving your own intercultural and language skills. 
You decide when you want to do an internship abroad: during the semester break, for a whole semester or at the end of your studies.
You can find suitable contacts to internship companies through internationally connected teachers in your degree programme, the Career Services or also commercial providers such as IAESTE.
The Swiss-European Mobility Programme (SEMP) also supports internships in other European countries.

The Swiss-European Mobility Programme supports internships abroad in other European countries by providing additional financial support.
In exceptional cases, an internship in a non-European country is also eligible for funding.
Additional Information can be found on Moodle.

IAESTE (International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience) arranges internships in over 85 countries around the world for students of technical and science subjects.
The main application window is at the beginning of the year, but vacancies are constantly posted on the IAESTE website.

IAESTE holds regular information events at the OST.