Prof. Dr. Claudia Pedron

IPM Institut für Informations- und ProzessmanagementProfessorin für Wirtschaftsinformatik
+41 58 257 17
Claudia Pedron works at the Institute for Information and Process Management and is Professor of Business Information Technology. She worked for several years as a lecturer in the field of Business Information Technology at the OST and at the ZHAW and as a senior consultant in the real estate industry. She brings a wide range of experience in the design, development and implementation of IT- and management- systems. She has acquired and led many service and research projects in the fields of process management and digitalisation. She holds a PhD in Information Science at the Department of Civil Engineering from the ETH in Zurich.
Area of Expertise
- Business Process Management
- Business Process Engineering
- Business Process Modelling with BPMN 2.0
- Business Process Automation with Signavio
- Modelling and Automation of Business Rules with Camunda and Signavio
- Software conception in the area of Urban Planning, E-Learning, Structural Engineering
- Customizing of Share Point 365
- Conception and implementation of databases
- Low-Code applications: PowerApps and PowerAutomate
- Digital Health
- Geographic Information Systems
- Didactics
- E-Learning
- Conception, acquisition and management of research projects
- Acquisition and management of various service projects in the field of Business Information Technology
Executive Master in Business Engineering at the University of St. Gallen (HSG)
Ph.D. in Information Science at the Institute of Structural Analysis and Design at the ETH in Zurich.
Bachelor and Master at the University of Trento in Italy
Professional Experience
- Lecturer in Business Information Technology, Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences (OST), St.Gallen and Zurich University of Applied Sciences, (ZHAW), Winterthur
- Head of the MBA in Real Estate Management at the ZHAW School of Management and Law (SML), Winterthur
- Senior Consultant at pom+Consulting AG (, Zürich
Teaching Experience
- Operational Business Process Management (OGPM): Responsible for the module Operational
- Process Management and Technological Support (GPMT)
- Advisor for Bachelor and Master thesis
- Advisor for student consulting projects
- Advisor Business Information Technology seminars (WISE)
- Advisor for student R&D projects
Project management, Innosuisse-funded project ArealPlus: Expert system for municipalities to assess sustainable internal densification
Project collaboration, Innosuisse-funded project:Remote Monitoring of Children in Need of Care
Project collaboration, service project Adaptation of quality management system Bänziger Partner
Project management, service project technology monitoring Post-Immobilien
Project management, research project Areal Plus: feasibility study, conception and prototypical development of a strategic tool for urban planning
Project management, research project Real Estate Technology Monitoring: conception and prototypical development of a technology monitoring for the Post Real Estate
Project management, service project expertise in the field of "Service Oriented Architecture" at armasuisse Immobilien
Project management, requirements specification of a new Computer aided Facility Management (CAFM) tool for the facility management department of the GZO hospital in Wetzikon, support of the tender process, evaluation of various IT software providers
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Conference Proceedings
- PEDRON, C., BALDAUF, M., ENDL, R., RICKENMANN, M. (2024). A Process-Oriented Decision Support System for Sustainable Urban Development Strategies. The 2024 IARIA Annual Congress on Frontiers in Science, Technology, Services, and Applications (pp. 8).
- MAIER, E., BAER-BALDAUF, P., PEDRON, C., REIMER, U. (2021). Home Monitoring Service for Critically Ill Children. In IARIA (Ed.), eTELEMED 2021 : The Thirteenth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine (pp. 16-21).
- BALDAUF, M., ZIMMERMANN, H.-D., PEDRON, C. (2021). Exploring Citizens’ Attitudes Towards Voice-Based Government Services in Switzerland. In Masaaki Kurosu (Ed.), Human-Computer Interaction. Design and User Experience Case Studies (pp. 229-238). Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). 10.1007/978-3-030-78468-3_16
- SCHEPPLER, B., KELLER, T., PEDRON, C. (2015). Wirkungsanalyse von Bauvorhaben auf Gemeindefinanzen. Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Verwaltungswissenschaften, pp. 125-143.
Chapters in Edited Books
- PEDRON, C. (2017). Immobilienmanagement (2 ed.). In Kammer Unabhängiger Bauherrenberater (KUB) (Ed.), Immobilienmanagement: Handbuch für Immobilienentwicklung, Bauherrenberatung und Immobilienbewirtschaftung (pp. 76-81). Zürich: Schulthess Verlag.
Professional Journals and Newspaper
- PEDRON, C., DEVECCHI, L. (2021, September). Innenentwicklung per Mausklick und mit System. Schweizer Gemeinde, 2021 (9), pp. 56-57.
- PEDRON, C., ENDL, R., BALDAUF, M. (2021). Neues Tool für die Innenentwicklung. Espazium. Zürich.
- PEDRON, C., BALDAUF, M., ENDL, R. (2021). Nuovo strumento per lo sviluppo interno. ARCHI, 2021 (6), pp. 8-9.
Teaching-Related Publications
- PEDRON, C., RICKENMANN, M. (2023). Fallstudie zur technologischen Unterstützung im Prozessmanagement: Schatzsuche am b. Russell Gymnasium? Open Education Platform for Management Schools, 355.
- PEDRON, C. (2021). ArealPlus - der digitale Leitfaden zur Unterstützung der strategischen Innenentwicklung. OZG Zentrum für Gemeinden /ImPuls.
- ZIMMERMANN, H.-D., BALDAUF, M., PEDRON, C. (2021). "Exploring Citizens' Attitudes towards Voice-Based Government Services in Switzerland",. HCI International 2021.
- PEDRON, C., MAIER, E., BAER-BALDAUF, P., REIMER, U. (2021). Continuous real time remote monitoring of severely or chronically ill children. iaria.