Dr. Karl Neumüller

ISM Institut für Strategie und MarketingKompetenzzentrum Strategisches Management
+41 58 257 12 91karl.neumueller@ost.ch
Karl is a lecturer for strategic management at the Department of Strategy and Marketing (ISM). His focus is on "management topics within the manufacturing industry" and "knowledge and technology transfer". Karl's teaching activities are in the field of "systemic management" and "business model innovation". Before Karl joined the OST he has worked for more than 10 years in the Swiss manufacturing industry.
Area of Expertise
- Strategic Management
- Innovation Management
- (Intra-)Entrepreneurship
- Knowledge and technology transfer
2010: Ph.D., University of St. Gallen, Dr. oec. HSG
2010: Visiting Scholar, Babson College (Boston)
2005: Dipl.-Ing. (TU), Technical University of Munich, Focus on automotive engineering
Professional Experience
Since 08/2019: OST - Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences (former FHS St. Gallen); lecturer for strategic management
2017 - 2019: 4B AG; product management, member of the management team
2014 - 2016: Arbonia AG; product management building envelope
2011 - 2013: Schmolz+Bickenbach Gruppe (Swiss Steel AG); product management with focus on sales
2010 - 2011: Automotive Management Counsulting (Switzerland) ltd.; managing director
2006 - 2009: University of St. Gallen; research associate
Experience abroad: almost 2 years USA/Asia (a.o. trainee at Mercedes Benz United States International and Mercedes Benz Vietnam Ltd.)
Teaching Experience
- Module "Systemic Management" (Undergraduate Level)
- Module "Business Model Innovation" (Undergraduate Level)
- Module "Digital Business Models and New Marketing" (Graduate-Level, Focus on Digital Business Modules)
- MAS/CAS in Economics (Executive Education, Focus on Systemic Management)
- EMBA/MAS Integrated Management (Executive Education, Focus on Business Model Innovation)
- CAS Innovation (Executive Education, Focus on Business Model Innovation)
2022-24: Profitability of IoT-Business Models in the Manufacturing Industry (Innosuisse-research project with IPEK (OST-Rapperswil), status:ongoing), Project partner: Jansen AG, Schenker Storen AG, Global Switzerland 1 (GS1), Aepli Metallbau AG, PortaNet AG
2022-24: INOS - Enabling innovation activites and projects in SME (consulting project in cooperation with Rhysearch as well as Rapperswil (OST) and Buchs (OST), status: ongoing), Project Partner: office for economy and labor St. Gallen
2022: Industrialization of autonomous rail vehicles (research project, project partner: IPEK, IFU, EMS, UMTEC , status: ongoing)
2022: KPIs for the management of medical-diagnostic laboratories (consulting project, status: ongoing)
2020/21: IoT-Business Models for industrial companies (Innosuisse-research project, project partner: PortaNet AG, status: completed)
2020: Digital platforms in Waste Management (consulting project, status: completed)
Books and Research Monographs
- MAUCHLE, U., WAIBEL, R., BIEBER, K., KLEINER, M., METZGER, T., MINDER HOCHREUTENER, S., ... ZAJITSCHEK, S. (2024). Betriebswirtschaft für Führungskräfte: Fallstudien und Übungen (6., vollständig überarbeitete Auflage ed.). Zürich: Versus Verlag AG.
Professional Journals and Newspaper
- KUGLER, P., NEUMÜLLER, K. (2022). Werden wir morgen noch im Büro arbeiten? Erkenntnisse aus dem Covid-19 Lockdown 2020. Springer Fachmedien , pp. 1-19. Wiesbaden.
Author | Title | Year | Type |
Andre Auf der Maur | Identifikation des wirtschaftlichen Potenzials autonomer Schienenfahrzeuge | 2024 | Projektarbeit |
Filip Obradovic | Innovative Dienstleistungen für das Abfallmanagement von KMU | 2024 | Bachelorarbeit |
Kevin Seliner | Profitable IoT-Anwendungen in der Industrie | 2023 | Bachelorarbeit |
Pascal Anderegg | Bewertung der Wirtschaftlichkeit von IoT-Anwendungen | 2022 | Bachelorarbeit |