Dr. rer. pol. Kerstin Helfmann

IOL Institut für Organisation und LeadershipDozentin
+41 58 257 16 14kerstin.helfmann@ost.ch
Kerstin Helfmann is a lecturer for Leadership and Human Resources Management at the IOL. In the context of HRM and organizational development, she deals with topics such as new work, digitalization, transformation of HRM and sustainability and teaches with various mandates at various universities. Different operational and strategic managemKerstin Helfmann is a lecturer for Leadership and Human Resources Management at the IOL. In the context of HRM and organizational development, she deals with topics such as new work, digitalization, transformation of HRM and sustainability and teaches with various mandates at various universities. Different operational and strategic management and leadership positions at national and international listed companies, mark her professional resume. After studying sociology, she earned her doctorate in cooperation with an automotive company in Munich, at the University of Karlsruhe (KIT), Faculty of Economics.ent and leadership positions at national and international listed companies, mark her professional resume. After studying sociology, she earned her doctorate in cooperation with an automotive company in Munich, at the University of Karlsruhe (KIT), Faculty of Economics.
Area of Expertise
HRM and Transformation, Digitalization & Organizational Development; Recruitment; Talent and Career Development, Diversity; Sustainable Leadership and Work Life Balance
- Doctorate in economics in the HR strategy department of an automotive group in Munich and at the University of Karlsruhe (KIT)
- Graduate sociologist, specializations: WBO psychology, economics, law and environment University of Wuppertal and Halle/S.
- apprenticeship in the jewelry industry
- state-certified business assistant
- Certified teacher and diverse educations
Professional Experience
- Lecturer for HRM and Leadership at the Institute for Organization and Leadership
- Owner and managing director of a consultancy for HRM
- Different mandates for teaching at various universities in Germany and Switzerland
- Various management and leadership positions in the automotive, pharmaceutical and financial services industries
Teaching Experience
- Bachelor level: Organizational Development and Human Resources, baiscs of HRM and the New World of Work
- CAS: Human Resources Development and ABO Psychology - Topics: New world of work, trends/drivers, diversity, leadership/leadership, digitalization, project management, -. CAS: Human Resources and Organizational Development Topic areas: leadership, project management, human resources and organizational development
- Bachelor level: FB Aircraft and Automotive Engineering Industrial Management I
- Women on the Boards of Directors and Executive Boards of Medium-Sized Companies: A sustainable promotion", EBG Bern
- Diversity project, financial services industry
- Diversity GAP analysis and promotion of women, financial services industry
- Transformation of HRM and implementation of SAP, pharmaceutical and automotive industry
- Benchmark study on work life balance in Germany
- Project "Online survey instrument for the formation of a CSI IT, automotive industry.
- Online application systems and benchmark, automotive industry
- Family-conscious personnel policy, non-profit Hertie Foundation
- Study on "Efficiency of the Housing Environment Promotion Guideline," Ministry of Urban Development and Transportation of the State of Saxony-Anhalt, Magdeburg
Books and Research Monographs
- OLBERT-BOCK, S., HELFMANN, K., OBERHOLZER, B., TOSCANO-RUFFILLI, R., BISCHOF, N. (2023). Frauen in Verwaltungsräten und Geschäftsleitungen mittelgrosser Unternehmen (1 ed.). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-42400-8
Professional Journals and Newspaper
- HELFMANN, K., OLBERT-BOCK, S. (2024). Bedeutung und Entwicklung des mittleren Managements als wichtiger Aspekt für nachhaltigen Unternehmenserfolg - im Kontext von New Work 5.0. HR Profi, 4 (Middle Management / Development), pp. 4.
- OLBERT-BOCK, S., HELFMANN, K. (2023). Anerkennung des HR als wichtigen Business- und Strategiepartner in Unternehmen.. HR Developer, 8, pp. 1-4.
- HELFMANN, K., OLBERT-BOCK, S., OBERHOLZER, B., TOSCANO-RUFFILLI, R., BISCHOF, N. (2022). Kein Grund für eine Pause. LEADER Das Unternehmermagazin. St. Gallen.
- OLBERT-BOCK, S., BISCHOF, N., HELFMANN, K., OBERHOLZER, BERNHARD, B., TOSCANO-RUFFILLI, R. (2022). Mehr Diversität im Verwaltungsrat und der Geschäftsleitung mittelgrosser Unternehmen. Unternehmerzeitung, 3, pp. 22-23.
- HELFMANN, K., OLBERT-BOCK, S., OBERHOLZER, B., TOSCANO-RUFFILLI, R. (2022). Mehr Diversität in Verwaltungsrat und Geschäfstleitungen mittelgrosser Unternehmen.. Unternehmerzeitung.
- OLBERT-BOCK, S., HELFMANN, K., TOSCANO-RUFFILLI, R., BISCHOF, N. (2022). Mehr Frauen ins Netz. Wie mittelgrosse Unternehmen Frauen für ihr Top Management gewinnen.. OST.