Prof. Dr. Pascale Baer-Baldauf

IPM Institut für Informations- und ProzessmanagementInstitutsleiterin, Professorin für Wirtschaftsinformatik
+41 58 257 17
Pascale Baer-Baldauf is Director of the Institute for Information and Process Management and Professor for Business Information Technology. She worked for several years as Programme Director in the field of Business Information Technology at the OST. She brings a wide range of experience from the education sector in Switzerland and abroad and was, among other things, Product Manager in the pharmaceutical industry. She holds a PhD in Higher Education Development from the University of St. Gallen.
Area of Expertise
- Highter Education Development
- Development and Managemen of Degree Programmes
- Business Software (ERP)
- Business Process Management
- Digital Health
- Ph.D. in Higher Education Development at the University of St.Gallen (Dr. rer. soc. HSG)
- Bachelor of Education, qualified upper-secondary school teacher for Business and Economics, University of Freiburg
- Master of Arts in Media Communication Management, Universtity of St. Gallen
Professional Experience
- Director Institute for Information and Process Management (IPM) and Professor for Business Information Technology, Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences (OST), St.Gallen
- Head of BSc Business Information Technology and Professor for Business Information Technology, IPM-OST, St.Gallen
- Head of MSc Business Information Technology, IPM-OST, St.Gallen - Various mandates in the field of education (Switzerland and abroad)
- Scientific assistant, University of Applied Sciences, Bern
- Product Manager, Eli Lilly and Company, Geneva
- Training & Development Coordinator, Eli Lilly and Company, Geneva
- Junior-Consultant Business Technology, Credit Suisse, Zurich
Teaching Experience
- business software (ERP)
- Advisor for student consulting projects
- Advisor for Bachelor and Master thesis
- IT education offensive canton of St.Gallen (ITBO): member of the core team, sub-project 2 OST "Market expansion of Information Technology study programmes"; Member of the core team of sub-project 3 OST "Interdisciplinary Center for Artificial Intelligence (ICAI)"
- Project Committee ITBO "Digital Talents Program" by rockt!
- AACSB Accreditation School of Management OST
- Research project "Continuous real-time remote monitoring of severely or chronically ill children"
- Learning platform OST (Moodle)
- FIBAA accreditation MSc Business Information Technology
- Member Society for Computer Science
- Member HR-Circle rockt!
- Member CEO-Circle rockt!
Best Paper Award: MAIER, E., BAER-BALDAUF, P., JAESCHKE, P., REIMER, U., ULMER, T. (2020). Continuous real-time remote monitoring of severely or chronically ill children. In Bath, Pete, Jokela, Päivi & Sbaffi, Laura (Eds.), Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Health Information Management Research.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Conference Proceedings
- BALDAUF, M., ZIMMERMANN, H.-D., BAER-BALDAUF, P., BEKIRI, V. (2023). Virtual Reality for Smart Government – Requirements, Opportunities, and Challenges. HCI INTERNATIONAL 2023 - 25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 3-13).
- MAIER, E., BAER-BALDAUF, P., PEDRON, C., REIMER, U. (2021). Home Monitoring Service for Critically Ill Children. In IARIA (Ed.), eTELEMED 2021 : The Thirteenth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine (pp. 16-21).
- MAIER, E., BAER-BALDAUF, P., JAESCHKE, P., REIMER, U., ULMER, T. (2020). Continuous real-time remote monitoring of severely or chronically ill children. In Bath, Pete, Jokela, Päivi & Sbaffi, Laura (Eds.), Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Health Information Management Research.
Books and Research Monographs
- BAER-BALDAUF, P. (2020). How do higher education institutions design practical orientation within study programmes? [Dissertation Universität St.Gallen]., St.Gallen.
Professional Journals and Newspaper
- BAER-BALDAUF, P. (2015). Artikel zum praxisintegierten Studium. IHKfacts, 2015 (4).
- BAER-BALDAUF, P. (2015). Wirtschaftsinformatik an der FHS St.Gallen. IHKfacts, 2015 (4).
Teaching-Related Publications
- STÖCKLER, S., BAER-BALDAUF, P. (2023). Fallstudie Heiss und Kalt AG: Anforderungen an eine Business Software. Open Education Platform for Management Schools, 380.
- PEDRON, C., MAIER, E., BAER-BALDAUF, P., REIMER, U. (2021). Continuous real time remote monitoring of severely or chronically ill children. iaria.
- BAER-BALDAUF, P. (2017). Präsentation am Fachaustausch Studien- und Laufbahnberatungsstellen. Fachaustausch Studien- und Laufbahnberatungsstellen St.Gallen und Thurgau.