Pllumbardh Kryeziu

IOL Institut für Organisation und LeadershipWissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter / Projektleiter
+41 58 257 12
Pllumbardh Kryeziu is a research associate and project manager at the Institute for Organisation and Leadership. He mainly works on topics such as business development, data collection, analysis and visualisation. He previously worked in a consulting start-up in marketing and sales.
Area of Expertise
- Business development
- Individual market research
- Data collection, analysis and visualization
- Master in Business Administration with specialisation in Corporate/Business Development
- Bachelor in Business Information Systems with specialization in Digital Business Management
Professional Experience
- Project manager at the Institute for Organisation and Leadership
- Management consultant at Bee-Up GmbH
- Creating a basis for decision-making and identifying new and existing markets and needs through quantitative and qualitative analyses, market research and workshops Clients: various municipalities, public institutions and private companies, mainly SMEs
- Research projects in the field of analytics as well as consulting in business development, quality and process management, management systems and sustainability strategies Project partners: Standortförderung und Energieagentur St. Gallen, Helvetia, Manor, Siemens, Swissuniversities, offices in Eastern Switzerland, various SMEs and a financial institution in Liechtenstein
- Contract research in the empirical social sector and health management Clients: St. Gallen municipal police, Forum BGM Ostschweiz, municipality in the canton of Thurgau
- Strategic internal project Quality assurance and AACSB accreditation of the School of Management with substantial contributions in various standards
- Experience exchange groups for management and executives Support for 22 trust companies and seven transport companies on topics relating to strategic business development
3rd place at the WTT Young Leader Award for a consulting project in market research
Professional Journals and Newspaper
- KRYEZIU, P., SCHERER, L. (2025). Aktuelle KI-Potenziale im Qualitätsmanagement. MQ Management und Qualität, 1 (2), pp. 3.
- KRYEZIU, P. (2024). Der Weg für KMU zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit. KMU Magazin, 2 (2), pp. 5.
- PLLUMBARDH, K., KOLLER, L. (2022). Energetische Sanierung: Heizungsinstallateure machen nachhaltig Eindruck. baublatt (6), pp. 18-20. Docu Media Schweiz GmbH , Adliswil, Schweiz.
- KRYEZIU, P. (2022). Wenn die Nacht hereinbricht – Erhebung Sicherheitsempfinden in der Stadt St. Gallen. St. Galler Tagblatt, pp. 37. St.Gallen.
- PLLUMBARDH, K., JORDAN, D. (2022). Wie Betriebe die Gesundheit ihrer Angestellten fördern. LEADER Das Unternehmermagazin (9/2022), pp. 65-66. St. Gallen.
- PLLUMBARDH, K. (2021, November). Die Austauschbarkeit von KMU überwinden. KMU Magazin, pp. 12-16.
- PLLUMBARDH, K. (2020). Mit Content-Marketing Leads gewinnenMit Content-Marketing Leads gewinnen. KMU Magazin, pp. 32-36.