Dr. Susanne Elisabeth Zajitschek

Lehre Departement WirtschaftDozentin

+41 58 257 17 09susanne.zajitschek@ost.ch

Susanne Zajitschek is a lecturer in Systemic Management, Communication, Industrial and Organizational Psychology and Design Thinking & Innovation. She focuses on the topics: Management & Corporate Leadership, Communication, Work & Organization as well as Human Development with a stress on Organizational and Team and Leadership Development, Values, Responsibility & Corporate Culture, Strategy & Leadership, Organizational Behavior, Organizational Health/Business Health Management, Organizational Resilience, Conflict Management, Psychological Safety as well as Creative Thinking & Innovation from a systemic and psychological perspective. She is also intensively engaged in questions of knowledge building and future-oriented competence development in agile organizations. She brings many years of experience in the fields of financial services, management consulting, applied research as well as marketing and communication.

Area of Expertise

  • Systemic Management
  • Industrial, personnel and organizational psychology
  • Communication psychology
  • Conflict Management
  • Design Thinking & Innovation


- Study of Industrial and Organizational Psychology at the University of Wuppertal by distance learning with Master of Arts (M.A.).
- Doctorate in business ethics and corporate communication at the University of St. Gallen (HSG) with Dr. oec. HSG.
- Studies in business administration (specialization in industrial management / auditing and trusteeship / business psychology) at the University of Munich with Diplom Kaufmann (University).

Further education:
- Performance competence with PEP (Process and Embodiment-oriented Psychology). Overcoming performance, evaluation and examination fears" (Dr. med. Michael Bohne), Weggis/Hannover.
- Certification "The Ego-Development-Profile - Deciphering Stages of Personality Development" (Dr. Thomas Binder), synchronize, Berlin.
- Advanced training in Nonviolent Communication (GFK) (Vera Heim), TheCoaching Company, Küsnacht/Zurich.
- PEP I-III - Process- and Embodiment-oriented Psychology (Dr. med. Michael Bohne), Weggis/Hannover.
- Certification "TMS Team Management System according to Margerison & McCann" (Marc Tscheuschner), TMS Center, Bad Nauheim.
- "Hypno-systemic know-how for agile organizations" (T. Peschke, N. Distler, K. Hochdorfer), Metaforum Germany / Italy.
- "The Power of Success of Hypno-Systemic Therapy and Consulting" (Dr. med. Dipl.-Volkswirt Gunther Schmidt), WILOB Lenzburg.
- "Systemic management consulting and organizational development according to Trigon and SyST" (Julia Andersch & Oliver Martin), Metaforum Germany /Italy.
- "Organizational Development, Accompanying Team Development Processes" (Dr. med. Dipl-Volkswirt Gunther Schmidt), BSO recognized, WILOB Lenzburg.
- "Training Systemic Trance" (Dr. Stephen Gilligan), Metaforum Germany / Italy.
- Systemic Structural Constellation (Prof. Dr. Matthias Varga von Kibéd & Insa Sparrer), Metaforum, Germany / Italy.
- PSI Supplementary Seminar "OMT Grid", Institute PSI, Switzerland.
- Master Class "Business Model You" (Dr. Tim Clark), Germany.
- PSI Competence Consultant - Personality Development & PSI Competence Analysis (Impart, Prof. Dr. Julius Kuhl, University of Osnabrück), Institute PSI, Switzerland.
- System Coach, NLP Academy, Pfungen (ZH).
- Training & Consultancy with NLP (Dr. Robert Dilts & Judith Delozier), NLP University, Santa Cruz (USA).
- NLP Hypno Coach (Arpito Storms), NLP Academy, Pfungen (ZH).
- Wingwave Coach in Imaginative Family Constellation (Cora Besser-Siegmund), Besser-Siegmund Institute, Hamburg.
- Wingwave Coach (Arpito Storms), NLP Academy, Pfungen (ZH) in cooperation with the Besser-Siegmund-Institute, Hamburg.
- Cert. Project Management Associate IPMA Level D, Association for Certification in Project Management Switzerland.
- Cert. NLP Master Coach DVNLP, NLP Academy, Pfungen (ZH).
- Cert. NLP Practitioner DVNLP, Core-Consult, Basel.
- CAS University Didactic Training at the University Didactic Center (HDZ) of the University of St. Gallen.
- Hypno-systemic Coaching Concepts (Dr. med. Dipl.-Volkswirt Gunther Schmidt), module within the CAS Coaching Advanced, Institute for Applied Psychology at the ZHAW.
- Balance sheet analysis for practitioners (Dr. Stefan Sander & Kaspar Müller), Euroforum, Zurich.
- Further education to become a certified coach SCA, at Coaching-Pro GmbH.
- Preparatory course Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), Level 1, Institute for Financial Services Zug, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.

Professional Experience

  • Senior Lecturer in the teaching of economics at the OST
  • Senior Lecturer in Business Administration as well as Cultural and Social Sciences at the University of St. Gallen
  • Senior Lecturer for Human Resource Management & Leadership as well as Business Psychology at Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences Switzerland
  • Seminar Management & Instructor "New Perspectives for Very Experienced Persons (VEP-HSG)" at the Executive School of Management, Technology and Law of the University of St. Gallen.
  • Managing Director Get Momentum GmbH, Business Coaching & Leadership Development, Richterswil (ZH) with focus on strategy & development of organizations, teams and individuals.
  • Head of Marketing and Communication, responsAbility Social Investment Services AG, Zurich.
  • Project Manager "Survey on Experienced Public-Private-Development Partnerships (ppdp)" at the Research Institute for International Management (FIM) at the University of St. Gallen.
  • Project Manager "Integrated Service Management: Customer Value as a Strategic Focus" at the Institute of Insurance Economics (IVW) at the University of St. Gallen.
  • Financial Consultant, MLP Finanzdienstleistungen AG, Zurich.
  • Relationship Manager, Offshore Division, Credit Suisse Private Banking, Zurich.
  • Management Consultant, Abegglen & Partners Management Consulting, Volketswil (ZH).
  • Assistant to the Head of Department, Market Group III, Credit Suisse Private Banking, Zurich.
  • PR Project Manager, Aloha Communications, Baar (ZG).
  • Project Manager and Research Associate at the Institute of Business Ethics (IWE, Prof. Peter Ulrich) and the Institute of Labor and Employment Law (IAA, Prof. Hans Schmid), both University of St. Gallen.
  • Consultant in the areas of financial planning and country coordination, Treuhandanstalt, Berlin.

Teaching Experience

  • Systemic management (Undergraduate level)
  • Behavior in organizations (Undergraduate level)
  • Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Undergraduate level)
  • Communication psychology (Undergraduate level)
  • Resilient and Intelligent Teams (Interdisciplinary course, undergraduate level)
  • Design Thinking & Innovation (Master Level)
  • Stakeholder Management / Conflict Resolution (Continuing Education)
  • Employee-oriented leadership (Continuing Education)
  • Advisor for student consulting projects (Undergraduate level)


  • HSG Alumni
  • Alumni (AOP) Industrial and Organizational Psychology at the University of Wuppertal


  • WTT Young Leader Award 2007 and 2008.
  • O.N.E. (Organizations & the Natural Environment Division) Best Paper Award 2007, presented at the Academy of Management Annual Meetings 2007 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  • Scholarship holder of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) for the promotion of young researchers at the University of Maryland at College Park 1994/95

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Conference Proceedings

  • ZAJITSCHEK, S., TOSCANO-RUFFILLI, R. (2023). Next Practice Entrepreneurial Mindset: Unternehmerische Herausforderungen von Ungewissheit, Unsicherheit und Risiken im WeQ-Modus meistern. CARF Luzern 2023.
  • ZAJITSCHEK, S., JANBÖCKE, S. (2021). Anticipation Next: System-Sensitive Technology Development and Integration in Work Contexts. Information, 12 (7), pp. 269. https://doi.org/10.3390/info12070269
  • ZAJITSCHEK, S., STEINER, K. (2019). Fit für den Arbeitsmarkt der Zukunft: entrepreneuriale Kompetenzentwicklung durch aktionsbasierte Lehr-Lernprojekte. CARF Luzern 2019.

Books and Research Monographs

  • MAUCHLE, U., WAIBEL, R., BIEBER, K., KLEINER, M., METZGER, T., MINDER HOCHREUTENER, S., ... ZAJITSCHEK, S. (2024). Betriebswirtschaft für Führungskräfte: Fallstudien und Übungen (6., vollständig überarbeitete Auflage ed.). Zürich: Versus Verlag AG.
  • ZAJITSCHEK, S. (2020). Unternehmen zwischen Hochleistung und Burnout. Organisationale Gesundheit als Metakompetenz für paradoxe Zeiten.. Heidelberg: Carl-Auer Verlag.

Chapters in Edited Books

  • IVANCIC, R., ZAJITSCHEK, S. (2022). Corporate Brand Communication Maturity Vom Ende des Steigerungsspiels in der Markenkommunikation zur Notwendigkeit einer umfassenden Vermittlung von Sinn. In Günter Bentele, Manfred Piwinger, Gregor Schönborn (Eds.), Kommunikationsmanagement (pp. 1-33). Berlin: Luchterhand.

Professional Journals and Newspaper

  • ZAJITSCHEK, S. (2015, June). Wertschöpfung durch WERT SCHÄTZUNG - Computerworld CIO Special. Computerworld, 10 (19). Zürich.

Teaching-Related Publications

  • ZAJITSCHEK, S. (2022). The Reflective Practitioner in Action: Design Thinking für eine knifflige Fragestellung aus dem Alltag nach Wahl. Open Education Platform for Management Schools, 333. 10.25938/oepms.333