Stefan Brunold

SPF Institut für SolartechnikStv. Institutsleiter SPF, Teamleiter SPF Kollektortechnik & Optik
+41 58 257 48
- Zweifel, G.; Brunold, S.; Delineau, L.; Friedlin, R.; Keiser, S. (2006) Sarnasol – das innovative Dachsolarsystem, in: 14. Schweizer Status-Seminar Energie- und Umweltforschung im Bauwesen
- Brunold, Stefan (2005) 20 Years Outdoor Weathering of Collector Glazing Materials, in: Symposium Materialien in Solar-thermischen Systemen
- Köhl, Michael; Jorgensen, Gary; Brunold, Stefan; Carlsson, Bo; Heck, Markus; Möller, Kenneth (2005) Durability of polymeric glazing materials for solar applications, in: Solar Energy Nr. 79, S. 618-623
- Köhl, Michael; Jorgensen, Gary; Brunold, Stefan; Carlsson, Bo; Heck, Markus; Möller, Kenneth (2005) Life-time estimation of polymeric glazing materials for solar applications, in: 10DBMC International Conférence On Durability of Building Materials and Components
- Brunold, Stefan (2005) Sind die neuen Absorberschichten auch im Vakuumröhrenkollektor beständig?, in: OTTI, Tagungsband 15. Symposium Thermische Solarenergie Nr. 15
- Köhl, M.; Heck, M.; Brunold, S.; Frei, U.; Carlsson, B.; Möller, K. (2004) Advanced procedure for the assessment of the lifetime of solar absorber coatings, in: Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells Nr. 84, S. 275-289
- Carlsson, Bo; Brunold, Stefan; Gombert, Andreas; Heck, Markus (2004) Assessment of durability and service lifetime of some static solar energy materials, in: EUROSUN, Book of Proceedings 2004
- Gombert, A.; Heck, M.; Kübler, V.; Köhl, M.; Carlsson, B.; Möller, K.; Brunold, S.; Chevalier, B.; Zinzi, M.; Jorgensen, G. (2004) Results of durability testing of antireflective glazing, in: Glass Processing Days
- Carlsson, B.; Möller, K.; Köhl, M.; Heck, M.; Brunold, S.; Frei, U.; Marechal, J.-C.; Jorgensen, G. (2004) The applicability of acceleratedlife testing for assessment of service life of solar thermal components, in: Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells Nr. 84, S. 255-274
- Frei, U.; Gantenbein, P.; Brunold, S. (2003) Sorptionsspeicher, in: Bericht März 03
- Carlsson, B.; Möller, K.; Köhl, M.; Heck, M.; Brunold, S.; Marechal, J.-C.; Jorgensen, G. (2003) The applicability of accelerated life testing for assessment of service life of solar thermal components, in: ISES, Solar World Congress 2003 Proceedings
- Brunold, Stefan; Frei, Ueli (2002) Certification of solar glass, in: EUROSUN, Book of Proceedings 2002
- Müller-Schöll, Christian; Brunold, S.; Frei, U. (2002) Significance of Spectral Correction of Collector Measurements Performed in Solar Simulators, in: EUROSUN, Book of Proceedings 2002
- Brunold, S. (2002) Was ist Solarglas?, in: OTTI, Tagungsband 12. Symposium Thermische Solarenergie Nr. 12
- Brunold, Stefan; Frei, Ueli (2002) Was ist Solarglas?, in: Gleisdorf Solar 2002 -Internationales Symposium für Sonnenenergienutzung
- Schüler, Andreas; Videnovic, Ivan R.; Oelhafen, Peter; Brunold, Stefan (2001) Titanium-containing amorphous hydrogenated silicon carbon "lms (a-Si:C:H/Ti) for durable solar absorber coatings, in: Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells Nr. 69, S. 271-284
- Brunold, S.; Frei, U.; Carlsson, B.; Möller, K.; Köhl, M. (2000) Accelerated life testing of solar absorber coatings: Testing procedure and results, in: Solar Energy Nr. 4, S. 313-323
- Schüler, Andreas; Geng, Jürgen; Oelhafen, Peter; Brunold, Stefan; Gantenbein, Paul; Frei, Ueli (2000) Application of titanium containing amorphous hydrogenated carbon "lms (a-C : H/Ti) as optical selective solar absorber coatings, in: Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells Nr. 60, S. 295-307
- Carlsson, B.; Möller, K.; Frei, U.; Brunold, S.; Köhl, M. (2000) Comparison between predicted and actually observed in-service degradation of a nickel pigmented anodized aluminium absorber coating for solar DHW systems, in: Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells Nr. 61, S. 223-238
- Jorgensen, G.; Brunold, S.; Köhl, M.; Overslot, H.; Roos, A. (2000) Durability Testing of Anti-Reflection Coatings for Solar Applications, in: SPIE
- Carlsson, B.; Möller, K.; Frei, U.; Brunold, S.; Köhl, M. (2000) Qualification test procedure for solar absorber surface durability, in: Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells Nr. 61, S. 255-275
- Brunold, S.; Frei, U.; Carlsson, B.; Möller, K.; Köhl, M. (2000) Round robin on accelerated life testing of solar absorber surface durability, in: Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells Nr. 61, S. 239-253
- Gantenbein, P.; Brunold, S.; Frei, U.; Geng, J.; Schüler, A.; Oelhafen, P. (1999) Chromium in amorphous hydrogenated carbon based thin films prepared in a PACVD process, in: Carbon Nr. 37, S. 843-846
- Brunold, Stefan (1999) Glas und Struktur, in: Symposium Materialien in Solar-thermischen Systemen
- Gampp, R.; Oelhafen, P.; Gantenbein, P.; Brunold, S.; Frei, U. (1998) Accelerated aging tests of chromium containing amorphous hydrogenated carbon coatings for solar collectors, in: Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells Nr. 54, S. 369-377
- Brunold, S. (1998) Beschleunigte Lebensdauerprüfung an Solarabsorberschichten, in: SVU Fachtagung
- Frei, U.; Brunold, S.; Köhl, M.; Brucker, F.; Carlsson, B.; Möller, K. (1995) Application of advanced methods for durability assessment of new absorber coatings, in: SPIE, Optical Materials Technology for Energy Efficienvy and Solar Energy Conversion
- Frei, U.; Frey, R.; Brunold, S. (1995) Bestimmung des Kollektor-Wirkungsgradfaktors F' an flüssigkeitsführenden Solarabsorbern, in: OTTI, Tagungsband 5. Symposium Thermische Solarenergie Nr. 5
- Brunold, S. (1994) A comparison of three different collectors for process heat applications, in: SPIE, Optical Materials Technology for Energy Efficienvy and Solar Energy Conversion XIII Nr. 13
- Köhl, Michael; Meir, Michalea; Papillon, Philippe; Wallner, Gernot; Saile, Sandrin; Brunold, Stefan (2012) Polymeric Materials for Solar Thermal Applications, Wiley-VCH, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, ISBN 978-3-527-33246-5
- Brunold, Stefan; Carlsson, Bo; Frei, Ueli; Heck, Markus; Holck, Ole; Jorgensen, Gary; Köhl, Michael; Kübler, Volker; Möller, Kenneth; Oversloot, Henk; Roos, Arne; Svendson, Sven (2004) Performance and Durability Assessment, Optical Materials for Solar Thermal Systems, Elsevier, Elsevier, Oxford, ISBN 0-08-044401-6
- Frei, Ulrich; Brunold, Stefan; Häuselmann, Thomas (1998) Langzeit-Alterungsuntersuchungen an Abdeckungs-materialien für thermische Sonnenkollektoren
- Brunold, S.; Frei, U.; Carlsson, B.; Möller, K.; Köhl, M. (1998) Results of a round robin on accelerated testing of absorber surface durability, EUROSUN, Book of Proceedings 1998