IAF Institut for Ageing Research
Solutions for the society of the future - effective, sustainable, and socially acceptable
Demographic change presents major challenges for individuals, institutions, and our society as a whole – and it will continue to do so in the future. The Institute for Ageing Research IAF conducts research in the field of age and ageing. Our innovative projects produce relevant knowledge for decision-making at political and institutional level to address demographic challenges. IAF contributes to the development of effective, sustainable and socially acceptable solutions to ensure a high quality of life for people in the third age (60+) and fourth (80+) age.
IAF is one of only a few institutes in the world to conduct state-of-the-art age research. It currently leads the largest national research network in Switzerland, which deals with the topic of the ageing society (AGE-NT). Our team includes experts from a range of different disciplines, and we collaborate with OST - Ostschweizer Fachhochschule staff as well as external partners.
We firmly believe that older adults can live independently for longer if they are provided with appropriate technological support.

About us
Institute for Ageing Research IAF
Rosenbergstrasse 59, Postfach
9001 St.Gallen, Switzerland
Phone +41 71 226 18 20
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