Header Image SPF Kompetenzen Industrielle Prozesse

SPF Competencies Solar Thermal

Process Heat and Cold

The industrial sector consumes about 20 % of Switzerland's total energy demand, of which half is needed to provide process heat up to 250°C and is mainly provided by fossil fuels. To reduce CO₂ emission and to support a climate-conscious industry, the integration of renewable energy sources for power generation is essential. Temperatures of up to 180°C can be achieved with solar heat, whereby efficiency increases the lower the temperature to be reached.

As a centre of competence for solar process heat, SPF supports the use of solar thermal systems to provide heat for industrial processes. It brings experience in monitoring and design from the EvaSP, SolIndSwiss, SolarEmmi and SolIndustrias projects, among others.

Ignacio Gurruchaga

SPF Institut für Solartechnik Teamleiter SPF Thermische Systeme & Modelling

+41 58 257 42 61 ignacio.gurruchaga@ost.ch

Prof. Dr. Andreas Häberle

Fachabteilung Erneuerbare Energien und Umwelttechnik Professor, Fachabteilungsleiter EEU, Institutsleiter SPF

+41 58 257 48 22 andreas.haeberle@ost.ch