Prof. Dr. Rainer Endl

IPM Institut für Informations- und ProzessmanagementProfessor für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Co-Leiter LowCodeLab@OST
+41 58 257 17
Rainer Endl is Professor of Business Information Systems at the Institute for Information and Process Management (IPM). He previously worked as an IT project manager and head of software development at various industrial companies, then for more than 10 years in management consulting with a focus on IT-supported process organisation. Rainer Endl studied business informatics at the TU Darmstadt and earned his Ph.D. at the University of Berne.
Area of Expertise
- Business Process Management
- Digital Health - Processes and Applications
- Low code platforms and low code based development
- Management training at the Malik Management Zentrum, St. Gallen
- Training in the HERMES project management method
- Various training courses in the field of eLearning
- Doctorate (Dr. rer. oec.) with the topic "Rule-based Development of Business Application Systems", University of Berne
- Studies in business informatics at the TU Darmstadt
Professional Experience
- Professor at the Institute for Information and Process Management, co-founder of LowCodeLab@OST.
- Co-founder of Netpoint Consulting AG (process consulting in the healthcare sector), Winterthur
- Co-founder, project manager and head of the program Master of Science in Business Informatics
- Founding professor and head of the Institute for Information and Process Management
- Head of Consulting and Member of the Executive Board at RBC AG (today part of MS Mail Service, St. Gallen)
- Management Consultant at IGIM AG, St. Gallen, Munich
- IT Project Manager, Head of Software Development ERP at WILD LEITZ AG (today Leica Geosystems AG)
Teaching Experience
- Programme Director Master of Science in Business Information Systems
- Strategic and Operational Business Process Management
- Process Performance Management
- Digital Health
- Low Code and Citizen Development
- Project "LowCodeLab@OST": Building a Competence Centre for Low Code and Citizen Development
- Various consulting projects in the areas of process management, IT strategy and process design for health care companies, especially in the design of referral relationship management and patient-oriented processes.
- Research project "Patientenradar - Platform to support intersectoral processes in the healthcare system".
- Research project "Potentials of mHealth Switzerland".
- Research project "Referrer Relationship Management - Status and Development Potentials in Switzerland".
Editorial and Reviewing
Reviewer for HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Conference Proceedings
- PEDRON, C., BALDAUF, M., ENDL, R., RICKENMANN, M. (2024). A Process-Oriented Decision Support System for Sustainable Urban Development Strategies. The 2024 IARIA Annual Congress on Frontiers in Science, Technology, Services, and Applications (pp. 8).
- BAUMGARTEN, C., ENDL, R., STICH, S. (2024). Professionelle Softwareentwicklung mit Low Code optimieren – eine Fallstudie. HMD - Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 61 (5), pp. 22.
- BALDAUF, M., FRÖEHLICH, P., ENDL, R. (2020). Trust Me, I’m a Doctor – User Perceptions of AI-Driven Apps for Mobile Health Diagnosis. MUM 2020: 19th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (pp. 167-178). ACM Press. 10.1145/3428361.3428362
- LAURENZI, E., HINKELMANN, K., REIMER, U., VAN DER MERWE, A., SIBOLD, P., ENDL, R. (2017). DSML4PTM - A Domain-Specific Modelling Language for Patient Transferal Management. 1st International Workshop on Advanced Enterprise Modelling - AEM 2017. In conjunction with the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - ICEIS 2017 (pp. 520-531). SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications. 10.5220/0006388505200531
Professional Journals and Newspaper
- PEDRON, C., ENDL, R., BALDAUF, M. (2021). Neues Tool für die Innenentwicklung. Espazium. Zürich.
- PEDRON, C., BALDAUF, M., ENDL, R. (2021). Nuovo strumento per lo sviluppo interno. ARCHI, 2021 (6), pp. 8-9.
- ENDL, R., KÜNDIG, L. (2020, March). Die Bereitschaft Schweizer Spitex Organisationen zur Einführung des elektronischen Patientendossiers. Netzwoche: Internet und E-Business in der Schweiz, Sonderausgabe IT for Health (2), pp. 8-9.
- ENDL, R., PORTMANN, Y. (2019). Einsatz und Verbreitung patientenorientierter Informationssysteme in Schweizer Spitälern. Clinicum, 1 (2020), pp. 26-28.
- ENDL, R. (2016). Auf dem Weg zu einem erfolgreichen Zuweiserbeziehungsmanagement - Think big, but start small. Clinicum, 14 (5), pp. 56-59.
- ENDL, R. (2015). Smart Health für Smart User. Bericht von der Smart Health Tagung 2015. Clinicum, 15 (6), pp. 20-22.
- ENDL, R. (2015, December). Smart Phones ermöglichen Smart User. Clinicum, 6 (15), pp. 20-24.
- ZIMMERMANN, V., ENDL, R., JUCKEN, H. (2015). Zuweisende Ärzte als Kunden sehen, kennen und pflegen - Ein CRM-System als wichtige Komponente des Key Account Managements. Clinicum, 15 (4), pp. 75-77.
- ENDL, R., NAPOLI, C. (2014). Wer Zuweiser pflegt ist gut beraten - Stand des Zuweisermanagements in der Schweiz. Clinicum, 13 (6), pp. 75-77.
Teaching-Related Publications
- ENDL, R., ZIEGLER, M. (2023). Strategische Prozessorganisation bei der Schob AG. Open Education Platform for Management Schools, 316.
- ENDL, R., ZIEGLER, M. (2022). Fallstudie zu strategischem Prozessmanagement: MicroElectric AG. Open Education Platform for Management Schools, 312.
- ENDL, R., HALILOVIC, I. (2022). Fallstudie zum operativen Prozessmanagement: Prozessmodellierung, -analyse und -optimierung bei der CSI AG. Open Education Platform for Management Schools, 314.
- ENDL, R., ZIEGLER, M. (2022). Prozessmodellierung, -analyse und -optimierung bei der Versicherungs AG. Open Education Platform for Management Schools, 315.
- ENDL, R. (2025). Unternehmensstrategie und Prozessmanagement - Vom operativen Denken zum strategischen Prozessmanagement. MINT Process Management Symposium.
- ENDL, R., METZKER, S. (2017). Gestaltung der Übertrittsprozesse von akutsomatischen Einrichtungen in Rehabilitationsinstitutionen als Erfolgsfaktor für Patientenzufriedenheit und Therapie-Ergebnis. Infosocietydays Bern.
- ENDL, R. (2017). Gestaltung des Überleitungsmanagements zwischen Akutsomatik und Rehabilitation. IHK-Netzwerktagung, St. Gallen.
- ENDL, R. (2015). Innovationsprojekt "Patienten Radar" - Gestaltung der Übertrittsprozesse. KPMG Reha-Tagung, Zürich.
- ENDL, R. (2014). Basisprozesse zur Gestaltung erfolgreicher Zuweiserbeziehungen. Infosocietydays, Bern.
Extended Abstracts, Poster Presentations and Workshop Contributions
- BAUMGARTEN, C., ENDL, R., LAMPERT, R. (2023). Business Development Opportunities for Software Manufacturers using Low-Code. Workshop 'Democratization of IT through Low Code Development Platforms - A Dream Coming True or Same Same but Different?', European Conference on Information Systems ECIS.