With its own high-voltage laboratory and machine test bench and its vast experience, the Electrical Power Engineering team can offer first-class support in all kinds of problems.
With its own high-voltage laboratory and machine test bench and its vast experience, the Electrical Power Engineering team can offer first-class support in all kinds of problems.
The test bench is designed for the testing of electrical machines and drive systems. It consists of a motor-generator group, a frequency converter and a load / drive machine, which is connected to the unit under test. The motor-generator group is controlled via the frequency converter and this allows tests with variable frequencies of the supply voltage.
The test bench can also be fed directly from the frequency inverter. This allows tests with voltages that have higher harmonics like it is more and more common nowadays due to inverter driven machines. This allows to investigate phenomena such as common mode currents.
The test bench can be used for Asynchronous, synchronous and direct current machines.
Thanks to our extensive experience in high voltage engineering we can provide high quality research and support in all high voltage related areas.
The equipment in our new laboratory is state of the art:
Our research and test experience covers a broad range of expertise:
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Prof. Dr. Michael SchuellerIET Institut für EnergietechnikProfessor&Bereichsleiter für Elektr. Energie-&Hochspannungstechnik, MSE Profilleiter
+41 58 257 43