Header Image SPF Forschung Tools


The free SOLIND Tool for Excel enables you to perform a quick and rough feasibility study for the use of solar thermal energy in industry and service sector.

The tool was developed in cooperation between Swissolar and the two institutes SPF and Lesbat as part of the Sol-Ind Swiss project and financed by Energie Schweiz and the energy agencies of the cantons of St. Gallen and Vaud. It was updated during the project SolInd2Service to include the service sector.

The tool was developed using the Excel version for the Windows operating system. Errors may occur when using the tool in other operating systems (MacOS, Ubuntu, etc.). The Excel tool contains macros, so the macros must be activated in order to use the tool.


Latest SOLIND Tool Version

Go to Download of SOLIND Tool.


How to use the SOLIND Tool

Speedup video demonstration (without sound/comments):

Solar Heat Calculator – SOLIND Tool

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