Dr. Frédéric Bless

IES Institut für EnergiesystemeWissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
+41 58 257 31 48frederic.bless@ost.ch
- Thermische Energie und Energieeffizienz
- Wärme und Kälte für Industrie und Haushalt
- Kaltdampfprozesse
- Dampferzeugung
- Engineering Equation Solver (EES)
- Matlab
- PowerApps
- Python
- Plasma
Curriculum Vitae
- Since January 2015 Research associate at NTB
- 2011-2015 Doctoral Thesis at University of Liverpool, UK
- 2009-2011 MSc in Physics, EPFL
- 2009-2006 BSc in Physics, EPFL
- 2006 Matura, Sion
- Arpagaus, C., Prinzing, M., Bless, F., Uhlmann, M., Büchel, E., Frei, S., Kuster, R., Schiffmann, J., Bertsch, S.S.: Hochtemperatur-Wärmepumpe mit HFO- und HCFO-Kältemitteln, KI Kälte Luft Klimatechnik, www.ki-portal.de, 12/2018.
- Arpagaus C., Prinzing M., Bless F., Uhlmann M., Büchel E., Frei S., Kuster R., Bertsch S.S., Schiffmann J., Hochtemperatur Wärmepumpe mit HFO und HCFO Kältemitteln, Deutsche Kälte- und Klimatagung (DKV), 21.-23. November 2018, Aachen, Deutschland (Kurzfassung).
- Arpagaus, C., Bless, F., Uhlmann, M., Büchel, E., Frei, S., Schiffmann, J., Bertsch, S.S.: High temperature heat pumps, Heat Pumping Technologies for Commerical and Industrial Applications, Chillventa CONGRESS, 15 October 2018.
- Arpagaus, C., Bless, F., Uhlmann, M., Büchel, E., Frei, S., Schiffmann, J., Bertsch, S.S.: High temperature heat pump using HFO and HCFO refrigerants – system design, simulation, and first experimental results, 17th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, July 9-12, 2018, https://docs.lib.purdue.edu/iracc/1875/
- Arpagaus, C., Bless, F., Uhlmann, M., Schiffmann, J., Bertscht, S.S.: High temperature heat pumps: market overview, state of the art, research status, refrigerants, and application potentials, 17th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, July 9-12, 2018, https://docs.lib.purdue.edu/iracc/1876/
- Bertsch, S., Arpagaus, C., Bless, F., Weickgenannt, A., Schiffmann, J.: Theoretical investigation on a high temperature heat pump using a micro turbo compressor and water as a refrigerant, 13th IIR Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Refrigerants, Valencia, Spain, June 18-20, 2018.
- Zuberi M.J.S, Bless F., Chambers J., Arpagaus C., Bertsch S.S., Patel M.K., Excess heat recovery: An invisible energy resource for the Swiss industry Sector, Applied Energy 228, 2018, 390-408.
- Arpagaus C., Bless F., Uhlmann M., Schiffmann J., Bertsch S.S.: Review - High temperature heat pumps: Market overview, state of the art, research Status, refrigerants, and application potentials, Energy, 2018, 152, 985-1010.
- Bless F., Arpagaus C., Bertsch S.S., Schiffmann J., Theoretical analysis of steam generation methods – the case of high temperature heat pump, The Seventh International Symposium on Energy (Energy7), August 13-17, 2017, Manchester, UK.
- Schiffmann J., Carré J. B., Weickgenannt A., Arpagaus C., Bless F., Bertsch S., Turbokompressoren für Wärmepumpen – Eine Übersicht, 23. Tagung des BFE-Forschungsprogramms «Wärmepumpen und Kälte», 14. Juni 2017, HTI Burgdorf.
- Arpagaus C., Javed A., Bless F., Bertsch S., Schiffmann J., Heat Pump driven by a Small-Scale Oil-Free Turbocompressor - System Design and Simulation, 12th IEA Heat Pump Conference 2017, Rotterdam, May 15-18, 2017, Poster presentation P.1.5.1.
- Bless F., Arpagaus C., Bertsch S.S., Schiffmann J.: Theoretical analysis of steam generation methods - Energy, CO2 emission, and cost analysis, Energy, 2017, 129, 114-121.
- Arpagaus C.; Bless, F.; Schiffmann J.; Bertsch S.S.: Multi-temperature heat pumps: A literature review, International Journal of Refrigeration, 2016, 69, 437–465.
- Bless F., Arpagaus C., Bertsch S.S., Schiffmann J.: Theoretical analysis of steam generation methods - Energy, CO2 emission, and cost analysis, eceee's Industrial Efficiency Conference, 2016 (3-093-16).
- Arpagaus C., Bless F., Schiffmann J.; Bertsch S., Multi-Temperature Heat Pumps - A Literature Review, International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference, 2016, Paper 1569.
- Moix F., McKay K., Walsh J.L., Bradley J.W., Atmospheric-Pressure Plasma Polymerization of Acrylic Acid: Gas-Phase Ion Chemistry, Plasma Process. Polym., 2016, 13: 236-240.