IES Institut für Energiesysteme
Therm. & El.
Wärmepumpen Testzentrum WPZ Buchs


Veröffentlichte Publikationen des Institut für Energiesysteme IES:



  • Hamid, K., Ren, S., Tolstorebrov, I., Hafner, A., Sajjad, U., Arpagaus, C., Moen, O.M., Eikevik, T.M.: Experimental optimization of an absorption-compression heat pump with wet compression for large temperature glide industrial applications, Renewable Energy, Volume 243, 15 April 2025, 122531,


  • Bever, P.-M., Bless, F., Arpagaus, C., Bertsch, S.S.: High-Temperature Heat Pumps for Industrial Use, Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 96, 8, 1071-1084,
  • Brendel, L.P.M, Bernal, S.N., Widmaier, Ph., Roskosch, R., Arpagaus, C., Bardow, A., Bertsch, S.S.: High-glide refrigerant blends in high-temperature heat pumps: Part 1 – Coefficient of performance, International Journal of Refrigeration, vol. 165, pp. 84–96, Sep. 2024,
  • Brendel, L.P.M., Bernal, S.N., Hemprich, C., Rowane, A.J., Bell, I.H., Roskosch, D., Arpagaus, C., Bardow, A., Bertsch, S.S.: High-glide refrigerant blends in high-temperature heat pumps: Part 2 – Inline composition determination for binary mixtures, International Journal of Refrigeration, vol. 165, pp. 45–57, Sep. 2024,
  • Brendel, L.P.M. , Bernal, S.N., Arpagaus, C., Roskosch, D., Bardow, A., Bertsch, S.S.: Experimental Performance Comparison of High-Glide Hydrocarbon and Synthetic Refrigerant Mixtures in a High-Temperature Heat Pump, Energies 2024, 17(8), 1981, https://
  • Jeßberger, J., Arpagaus, C., Heberle, F., Brendel, L., Bertsch, S.S., Brüggemann, D.: Experimental Investigations of Upscaling Effects of High-Temperature Heat Pumps with R1233zd(E), International Journal of Refrigeration, vol. 164, pp. 243–256, Aug. 2024,
  • Payá, J., Cazorla-Marín, A., Arpagaus, C., Corrales Ciganda, J.L., Hassan, A.H.: Low-Pressure Steam Generation with Concentrating Solar Energy and Different Heat Upgrade Technologies: Potential in the European Industry, Sustainability, 2024, 16, 1733,
  • Tobler, S. and Nigsch, S.: FEM-Supported and Non-Destructive Magnetic Characterization Method for Non-Laminated Steel, PCIM Europe 2024; International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management, Nürnberg, Germany, 11-13 June 2024, 472-479,


  • Jeßberger, J., Arpagaus, C., Heberle, F., Brendel, L., Bertsch, S.S., Brüggemann, D.: Experimental Investigations of Upscaling Effects of High-Temperature Heat Pumps with R1233zd(E), Preprint article available at SSRN, posted on 5 October 2023,
  • Vieren, E., Demeester, T., Beyne, W., Magni, C., Abedini, H., Arpagaus, C., Bertsch, S., Arteconi, A., De Paepe, M., Lecompte, S. (2023): The Potential of Vapor Compression Heat Pumps Supplying Process Heat between 100 and 200 °C in the Chemical Industry, Energies, 16(18), 6473,
  • Sulaiman, A.Y., Cotter, D., Arpagaus, C., Hewitt, N.: Theoretical Evaluation of Energy, Exergy, and Minimum Superheat in a High-Temperature Heat Pump with Low GWP Refrigerants, International Journal of Refrigeration, available online 2 June 2023,
  • Saini, P., Ghasemi, M., Arpagaus, C., Bless, F., Bertsch, S., Zhang, X.: Techno-economic comparative analysis of solar thermal collectors and high-temperature heat pumps for industrial steam generation, Energy Conversion and Management, Volume 277, 1 February 2023, 116623,












  • Ehrbar, M., Bertsch S.S., and Hubacher, P., 2003, Verbessertes Abtauen, HK-HeizungKlimaKaelte (1/2003), pp. 58-63.


  • Arpagaus, C.: Wärmepumpen in der Industrie - Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Potenziale, VDI-Fachkonferenz: Einsatz von Großwärmepumpen in der Industrie, 22. und 23. Oktober 2024, Mannheim, Link zum Program
    Arpagaus, C: Grosswärmepumpen ab 500 kW: Technik, Kosten und Potenzial zur Kombination mit Holzheizungen, 18. Holzenergie-Symposium 2024, 13. September 2024, ETH Zürich, Verenum AG Zürich 2024, Link zum Tagungsband
  • Arpagaus, C.: High-Temperature Heat Pumps: Market Overview, State of the Art, and Application, 2024 CHPC China Heat Pump Conference, August 27-30, 2024, Shenzhen, China, Link to the Programme
  • Arpagaus, C., Bless, F., Bertsch, S.S.: Übersicht zu Industrie- und Großwärmepumpen, 30. Tagung des BFE-Forschungsprogramms «Wärmepumpen und Kältetechnik», 26. Juni 2024, Eventfabrik Bern, Link zum Tagungsband
  • Arpagaus, C., Bless, F., Bertsch, S.S., Jansen, Ch: Integration einer dampferzeugenden Wärmepumpe in einer Schweizer Fleischfabrik, 30. Tagung des BFE-Forschungsprogramms «Wärmepumpen und Kältetechnik», 26. Juni 2024, Eventfabrik Bern, Link zum Tagungsband (Poster)
  • Arpagaus, C., Bless, F., Bertsch, S.S., Maibach, Ch.: CO2-Hochtemperatur-Wärmepumpe (HTWP) in der Produktion von veganen Alternativen zu Käse und Milchprodukte, 30. Tagung des BFE-Forschungsprogramms «Wärmepumpen und Kältetechnik», 26. Juni 2024, Eventfabrik Bern, Link zum Tagungsband (Poster)
  • Arpagaus, C., Paranjape, S., Nertinger, S., Tietz, R., Bertsch, S.S.: Business models for high-temperature heat pumps, HTHP Symposium 2024, 23-24 January 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark, Link to Book of Presentations
  • Arpagaus, C., Paranjape, S., Bless, F., Bertsch, S.S., Jansen, Ch.: Integration of a steam-generating HTHP in a Swiss meat factory, HTHP Symposium 2024, 23-24 January 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark, Link to Book of Presentations
  • Bernal, S., Brendel, L.P.M., Arpagaus, C., Bertsch, S.S.: Steady-State-Detektion zur Beurteilung von Wärmepumpen: Eine Analyse von Feldmessdaten, DKV-Tagung 2024, 20. bis 22.November 2024, Dresden,
  • Bless, F., Arpagaus, C., Bertsch, S.S.: Steam-generating heat pump: A revolution for the Swiss industry? Results of the IntSGHP project, 30. Tagung des BFE-Forschungsprogramms «Wärmepumpen und Kältetechnik», 26. Juni 2024, Eventfabrik Bern, Link zum Tagungsband 
  • Brendel, L.P.M., Lüchinger, N., Arpagaus, C., Osmers, N., Bertsch, S.S.: Inline Sensor for Oil Viscosity and Electrical Properties Tested in High-Temperature Heat Pump, DKV-Tagung 2024, 20. bis 22.November 2024, Dresden, 
  • Brendel, L.P.M., Wördemann, M., Bernal, S., Arpagaus, C., Bertsch, S.S.: High-glide refrigerant mixtures for HTHPs with different temperature changes on the heat sink and heat source, HTHP Symposium 2024, 23-24 January 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark, Link to Book of Presentations
  • Brendel, L.P.M., Arpagaus, C., Pfaffl, J., Simon, F., Bertsch, S.S.: Disassembly of Off the Shelf Reciprocating Compressor After Employment in High-Temperature Heat Pump for More Than 1000 Operating Hours, International Compressor Engineering Conference, Purdue, West Lafayette, IN, USA, 2024, Paper 2834,
  • Brendel, L.P.M., Lüchinger, N., Arpagaus, C., Bertsch, S.S.: Non-condensable gases at low concentrations in a high-temperature heat pump operating with R-1336mzz(Z), International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference, Purdue, West Lafayette, IN, USA, 2024, Paper 2579, 
  • Doughty, O., Arpagaus, C., Bertsch, S.S., Brendel, L.P.M.: Set of Performance Correlations for Reciprocating Compressor Covering Synthetic and Hydrocarbon Refrigerants, International Compressor Engineering Conference, Purdue, West Lafayette, IN, USA, 2024, Paper 2835. 
  • Lemke P.G., Lüchinger, N., Arpagaus, C., Brendel, L.P.M., Bertsch, S.S.: Study on Dynamic Operation of High Temperature Heat Pump Utilizing Zeotropic Mixtures, DKV-Tagung 2024, 20. bis 22.November 2024, Dresden, 
  • Möhr, E., Bertsch, S., Bless, F.: Gross-Wärmepumpe für prozessintegrierten Einsatz, 30. Tagung des BFE-Forschungsprogramms «Wärmepumpen und Kältetechnik», 26. Juni 2024, Eventfabrik Bern, Link zum Tagungsband (Poster)
  • Tobler, S. and Nigsch, S.: FEM-Supported and Non-Destructive Magnetic Characterization Method for Non-Laminated Steel, PCIM Europe 2024; International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management, 11-13 June 2024, Nürnberg, Germany
  • Uhlmann, M., Brendel, L.M.P., Arpagaus, C., Olmedo, L.E., Schiffmann, J., Bertsch, S.S.: Experimental results from a 70 kW steam-generating butane heat pump using off-the-shelf components, International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference, Purdue, West Lafayette, IN, USA, 2024, Paper 2580,
  • Widmaier, Ph., Brendel, L., Hemprich, C., Bernal, S., Arpagaus, C., Roskosch, D., Bertsch, S., Bardow, A.: High-Efficiency High-Temperature Heat Pumps with Temperature Glide, 30. Tagung des BFE-Forschungsprogramms «Wärmepumpen und Kältetechnik», 26. Juni 2024, Eventfabrik Bern, Link zum Tagungsband (Poster)
  • Wördemann, M., Arpagaus, C., Bertsch, S.S., Thomas, Ch: Design options of HTHP technology in comparison to existing industrial boiler systems, HTHP Symposium 2024, 23-24 January 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark, Link to Book of Presentations



  • Arpagaus, C., Brendel, L., Paranjape, S., Bless, F., Uhlmann, M., Bertsch, S.: High-Temperature Heat Pumps for Industrial Applications - New Developments and Products for Supply Temperatures above 100 °C, China Heat Pump Conference (CHPC2022), Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China, October 24-27, 2022 (YouTube Video Recording)
  • Arpagaus, C., Paranjape, S., Brendel, L.P.M., Simoni, L.D., Kontomaris, K., Bertsch, S.S.: Experimental Investigation of R1336mzz(E) in a High-Temperature Heat Pump, 19th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, July 10-14, 2022,
  • Arpagaus, C., Bless, F., Bertsch, S., Krummenacher, P., Flórez-Orrego, D.A., Pina, E.A., Maréchal, F., Calame-Darbellay, N., Rognon, F., 2022. HTHP-CH – Integration of High-Temperature Heat Pumps in Swiss Industrial Processes, 28. Tagung des BFE-Forschungsprogramms «Wärmepumpen und Kältetechnik», 22. Juni 2022, BFH Burgdorf (conference flyer)
  • Arpagaus, C., Bless, F., Bertsch, S.: Techno-economic analysis of steam generating heat pumps for integration into distillation processes, 15th IIR-Gustav Lorentzen conference on Natural Refrigerants, June 13-15, 2022, Trondheim, Norway,
  • Arpagaus, C., Bless, F., Bertsch, S.S.: Techno-Economic Analysis of Steam-Generating Heat Pumps in Distillation Processes. 3rd High-Temperature Heat Pump Symposium, 29-30 March, 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark,
  • Arpagaus, C., Payá, J., Hassan, A.H., Bertsch, S.S.: Potential Impact of Industrial High-Temperature Heat Pumps on the European Market, 29-30 March, 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark,
  • Ayou, D.S., Arpagaus, C., Bertsch, S.S., Coronas, A.: Large-temperature-lift heat pumps for simultaneous heating and cooling applications in the dairy industry, 15th IIR-Gustav Lorentzen conference on Natural Refrigerants, June 13-15, 2022, Trondheim, Norway,
  • Berthold, M.: Wasserstoff & Sektorkopplung beim Verein für Abfallentsorgung Buchs (SG), ExpertInnengespräche Power-to-X, 24. März 2022, OST-IET, Rapperswil
  • Bertsch, S.,  Büchel, E., Möhr, E., Mutafov, G., and Galchev, T.: Gear-pump-based turbine generator for human gait energy harvesting in footwear, PowerMEMS2022, 12.-15.12.2022, Salt Lake City, USA
  • Bless, F., Krummenacher, P., Arpagaus, C.: La recompression mécanique de vapeur et ses applications, Symposium Optimisation Energétique 2022, 6 September 2022, Yverdon-les-Bains (Presentation)
  • Bless, F., Arpagaus, C. Speich, M., Bertsch, S.: Electrification of Heat Generation in Industry: State of Technologies, Integration Examples, and Integration Barriers, Young Energy Researchers Conference 2022, 5 April 2022, Wels, Austria
  • Bless, F.,  Bertsch, S., Purkathofer, G.: Low cost heat pump fruit dryer for developing countries: technology and opportunities, 22nd International Drying Symposium, 26.-29.6.2022, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
  • Brendel, L., Arpagaus, C., Paranjape, S., Bertsch S.: Steady-state Performance from Transient Measurement Data: Accelerated Performance Testing Applied to a High-Temperature Heat Pump, DKV Tagung 2022, 18. November, Magdeburg (Vorträge der AA IV Klima und WP-Technik)
  • Christ, J., Schmid, F., Bertsch, S., Stergiaropoulos, K.; Modellbasierte Analyse von Scroll Verdichtern, DKV Tagung 2022, 18. November, Magdeburg (Vorträge der AA II.2 Komponenten)
  • Christ, J., Schmid, F., Stergiaropoulos, K., Bertsch, S.: Semi-empirical Scroll Compressor Model with Optional Vapor-injection, 26th International Compressor Engineering Conference at Purdue, July 10-14, 2022, Paper 2731,
  • Cox, J.T., Campos, G., Armatis, P., Belding, S., Lowder, T., Kristensen, L., Zourellis, A., Bless, F., Arpagaus, C., Baldwin, S.F.: Low-Carbon District Heating: Performance Modeling of Hybrid Solar, Heat Pump and Thermal Storage Systems for District Thermal Energy in the United States, 19th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, July 10-14, 2022,
  • Payá, J., Cazorla-Marín, A., Hassan, A.H., Arpagaus, C.: Techno-economic evaluation of different technologies to produce steam at 150 ºC in the Spanish industry, 12th CNIT, XII National and y III International Conference on Engineering Thermodynamics, June 29 - July 1, 2022, Madrid, Spain
  • Roskosch, D., Arpagaus, C., Bertsch, S., Bardow, A.: Compressor Design vs. Refrigerants Properties: What Affects Compressor Efficiency More?, 19th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, July 10-14, 2022,
  • Uhlmann, M., Olmedo, L.E., Arpagaus, C., Bless, F., Schiffmann, J., Bertsch, S.: Efficient steam generation in industry – Combined heat pump cycle with mechanical vapor recompression, 15th IIR-Gustav Lorentzen conference on Natural Refrigerants, June 13-15, 2022, Trondheim, Norway,
  • Saini, P., Hedstrom, A., Arpagaus, C., Bless, F., Bertsch, S.: A hybrid system of steam generating heat pump and solar parabolic trough collectors for process heating: Techno-economic analysis for a brewery, 29-30 March, 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark,








  • Seitz Ch.; Uhlmann, M.; Bertsch, S.; 2015;  AirModul All-In-One: Kombiniertes Lüftungs- und Wärmepumpensystem mit hoher Energieeffizienz. 21. Wärmepumpentagung vom 17. Juni 2015, BFE-Forschungsprogramm «Wärmepumpen und Kälte», Burgdorf (CH).
  • Ozan Gulbudak, Janosch Marquart, Enrico Santi, “FPGA-based Model Predictive Current Controller for 3x3 Direct Matrix Converter”, IEEE-APEC Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, 2015 Record
  • Simon Nigsch, Kurt Schenk, Slobodan Cuk, “Analysis, Modeling and Design of a True Bridgeless Single Stage PFC with Galvanic Isolation”, IEEE-APEC Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, 2015 Record


  • Caskey S.L., Kultgen D., Gschwend A., Groll E.A., Hutzel W.J., Bertsch S., 2014, Cold climate field test of an air-source heat pump with two-stage compression and economizing, Keynote/Session 4, 11th IEA Heat Pump Conference 2014, May 12-16 2014, Montréal (Québec) Canada.
  • Liebold A., Gstoehl D., Oppliger D., Bertsch S., 2014, Fluidglass - Façade Elements for Active Solar Control for High-Rise Buildings, Paper no 3259, 3rd International High Performance Buildings Conference at Purdue, July 14-17, 2014.
  • Uhlmann M., Heldstab A., Bertsch S., 2014, OptiRef: Heat Pump with Two Heat Sources at Different Temperature Levels, Paper no 2142, 15th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, July 14-17, 2014.
  • Sattler M., Markstaler M., Haller M., Sigrist D., Kessler S., Bertsch S., 2014, Technologievergleich solare Brauchwarmwassererwärmung - Photovoltaik und Wärmepumpe im Vergleich mit Solarthermie, 18. Brenet Status-Seminar «Forschen für den Bau im Kontext von Energie und Umwelt», Zürich.
  • Raffael Haldi and Kurt Schenk, “A 3.5kW Wireless Charger for Electric Vehicles with Ultra High Efficiency”, IEEE-ECCE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 2014 Record
  • Ozan Gulbudak, Enrico Santi, Janosch Marquart, “Finite State Model Predictive Control for 3x3 Matrix Converter Based on Switching State Elimination”, IEEE-ECCE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 2014 Record


  • Menzi, T., Caskey, S., Kultgen, D., Groll, E., Hutzel, W., and Bertsch, S.,2013, Annual simulation results of a two-stage heat pump for cooling and heating applications, CLIMA 2013 - 11th REHVA World Congress & 8th International Conference on IAQVEC in Prague. Paper ID: 174.
  • Tobias Schmid and Alexandr. Ikriannikov, “Magnetically Coupled Buck Converters”; IEEE-ECCE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 2013 Record
  • Andrzej Pietkiewicz, Kurt Schenk, Tobias Gnos and Martin Bünner, “Novel Inductive Current Splitter/Merger for Low Harmonics Three-Phase Rectifier”, PCIM Europe International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management, 2013 Record
  • Raffael Haldi, Isaac Nam, Kurt Schenk and Enrico Santi, “Finite-Element-Simulation-Assisted Optimized Design of an Asymmetrical High-Power Inductive Coupler with a Large Air Gap for EV Charging”, IEEE-ECCE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 2013 Record
  • Kurt Schenk and Andrzej Pietkiewicz, “Novel Low Harmonic Rectifier Using 12-pulse Inductive Current Splitter/Merger”, IEEE-APEC Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, 2013 Record


  • S. Bertsch, B. Vetsch, A. Gschwend, 2012, Optimierte Warmwasser-Produktion mit Wärmepumpen, 18. Wärmepumpentagung, BFE-Forschungsprogramm Wärmepumpen, Wärme-Kraft-Kopplung, Kälte, Burgdorf.
  • S. L. Caskey, D. Kultgen, T. Menzi, E. A. Groll, W. J. Hutzel, S. S. Bertsch, 2012, Simulation of Novel Air-Source Heat Pump with Two-Stage Compression and Economizing for Cold Climate Field Tests, 7th International Cold Climate HVAC Conference, Alberta, Canada.
  • S. Caskey, S. Deng, D. Kultgen, T. Menzi, E.A. Groll, W. Hutzel, S. Bertsch, 2012, Field Test Simulation of an Air-Source Heat Pump with Two-Stage Compression and Economizing For Cold Climates,14th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, USA.
  • S. Caskey, D. Kultgen, E. Groll, W. Hutzel, T. Menzi, S.Bertsch, 2012, Simulation of an Air-Source Heat Pump with Two-Stage Compression and Economizing for Cold Climate Field Tests,14th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, USA.
  • A. Gschwend and S. Bertsch, 2012, Domestic Heat Pump System with Solar Thermal Collectors as Heat Source and Annual Ice Storage, 14th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, USA.
  • B. Vetsch, A. Gschwend and S. Bertsch, 2012, Domestic Hot Water Supply for Multiple Family Dwellings Using Heat Pumps, 14th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Conference at Purdue, USA.
  • S. Bertsch, 2012, Warmwasserbereitstellung mittels Wärmepumpen in Mehrfamilienhäusern, TWK Wärmepumpen Symposium, Karlsruhe. 
  • D. Oppliger, T. Menzi, S. Bertsch, D. Gstöhl, 2012, Fluidglas: Flüssigkeitsdurchströmte Glasfassade zur aktiven Kontrolle der Energieflüsse in der Fassade, 17. Status Seminar brenet, Zurich
  • B. Vetsch, A. Gschwend, S. Bertsch, 2012 Warmwasserbereitstellung mittels Wärmepumpen in Mehrfamilienhäusern, 17. Status Seminar brenet, Zurich
  • Stephen L. Caskey, Derek Kultgen, Tobias Menzi, E. A. Groll, W. J. Hutzel, S. S. Bertsch, 2012, Simulation of Novel Air-Source Heat Pump with Two-Stage Compression and Economizing for Cold Climate Field Tests, 7th International Cold Climate HVAC Conference, Alberta, Canada.
  • Kurt Schenk and Andrzej Pietkiewicz, “Low Harmonic Rectifier Using 12-pulse Current/Splitter Merger”, PCIM Europe International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy and Energy Management, 2012 Record


  • Gstoehl, D., Stopper, J., Bertsch, S., and Schwarz, D., 2011, Fluidised glass façade elements for an active energy transmission control, ENERGY FORUM on Solar Building Skins 06‐07 December 2011, Bressanone, Italy.
  • Gstoehl, D., Stopper, J., Bertsch, S., and Schwarz, D., 2011, Fluidised glass façade elements for an active energy transmission control, World Engineers’ Convention, Geneva 2011.
  • Vetsch, B., Gschwend, A., and Bertsch, S.S., 2011, Zirkulationsverluste in Warmwasseranlagen, 17. UAW-Meeting in Burgdorf, CH.
  • Uhlmann, M, Bertsch, S.S., 2011, Dynamic Modeling of Heat Pumps, 10th IEA Heat Pump Conference, Paper #18.



  • Uhlmann, M, Bertsch, S.S., 2009, Dynamische Simulation einer Wärmepumpe, 15. UAW-Meeting in Burgdorf, CH.



  • Bertsch, S.S., Groll, E.A., and Garimella, S.V., 2007, Measurements of Flow Boiling Heat Transfer Coefficients in a Mini-Channel Evaporator for Electronics Cooling, ASHRAE Winter Meeting, Dallas, TX.
  • Bertsch, S.S. and Groll, E.A., 2007, Experimental performance of a two-stage unitary heat pump with economizing for northern U.S. climates, ASHRAE Winter Meeting, Dallas, TX.
  • Bertsch, S.S., Groll, E.A., and Garimella, S.V., 2007, Experimental investigation of local heat transfer coefficient for refrigerant flow boiling in microchannel cold plate evaporators, 22nd IIR International Congress of Refrigeration, Beijing, China.
  • Bertsch, S.S., Groll, E.A., and Garimella, S.V., 2007, Refrigerant flow boiling in a microchannel cold plate evaporator, IMAPS Advanced Technology Workshop on Thermal Management, San Jose, CA.



  • Bertsch, S.S., Groll, E.A., and Whitacre, K., 2005, Modeling of a CO2 Thermosyphon for a Ground Source Heat Pump Application, 8th International Energy Agency Heat Pump Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
  • Bertsch, S.S. and Groll, E.A., 2005, Air to Water Heat Pump for Low Temperature Climates, 8th International Energy Agency Heat Pump Conference, Las Vegas, NV.


  • Hubacher, B., Bertsch, S.S., and Groll, E.A., 2004, Status quo of carbon dioxide compressors, Deutsche Kaelte Klima Tagung.


  • Bertsch, S.S. and Ehrbar, M., 2003, Comparison of defrosting electricity consumption in the reverse cycle and the hot gas method, 21st IIR International Congress of Refrigeration, Washington, DC.
  • Ehrbar, M., Bertsch S.S., and Hubacher, P., 2003, Verbesserung des Abtauens bei luftbeaufschlagten Verdampfern, Phase 2, 10. UAW-Meeting in Burgdorf, CH.











  • Markstaler M., Bertsch S.: Systemsimulation Effizienz der Brauchwarmwassererwärmung mit Wärmepumpen, Vergleichsstudie. Schlussbericht 2015. Bundesamt für Energie BFE, Bern (CH).
  • Reutlinger Ch.; Fritsche C.; Markstaler M.; Schemmel A.; Schlatter M.; Voll F.: Vom Zwischeneinander der Disziplinen. ISBN 978-3-033-05161. 2015.
  • Markstaler, M.: Solarkataster schafft Klarheit – Ermittlung des PV-Anteils an Energieautonomie einer Gemeinde. VSE Bulletin 12/2015.
  • Markstaler, M.: 15 Prozent Solarstrom für Gemeinde. Erneuerbare Energie 12/2015
  • Markstaler, M.; et al.: Siedlung Raum Entwicklung. Campus 2/2015





  • Bertsch, S.S., 2008, Refrigerant flow boiling in microchannel evaporators, Ph.D. Thesis, Purdue University.




  • Arpagaus, C.: High-Temperature Heat Pumps: Review and New Developments for Steam Generation, EECA Workshop, 17 December 2024, Christchurch, New Zealand
  • Arpagaus, C.: A clean industrial era: Market, technology, and application potentials of high-temperature heat pumps, Webinar by Electrification Academy, 4 December 2024, Download PDF Presentation, Link to the Webinar Recording
  • Arpagaus, C., Bless, F., Paranjape, S., Brendel, L., Uhlmann, M., Bertsch, S: Potential of Steam Generating Heat Pumps for Electrification and Decarbonization of the Industry, Webinar by Aneo Industry: Revolutionize your industrial energy use with high temperature heat pumps, 25 September, 2024, Link to the Webinar Recording
    Arpagaus, C: Introduction to Steam-Generating Heat Pumps Webinar 2024, organized by OST, 18 March 2024, YouTube Video, Presentation Slides
  • Arpagaus, C.: Pompe di calore ad alta temperatura e di grande potenza, Convegno dell’Associazione svizzera delle pompe di calore 2024, 28 maggio 2024, PalaCinema di Locarno, Programma
  • Arpagaus, C.: High-Temperature Heat Pump Technology: The Latest Development in the European Industry, 14 March 2024, EHPA Webinar, YouTube Video, Presentation Slides
  • Arpagaus, C.: 2024 High-Temperatur Heat Pumps Update, Australian Alliance for Energy Productivity (A2PH) Webinar, 6 March 2024, YouTube Video, Presentation Slides
  • Berthold, M.: Sektorkopplung beim KVA-Buchs - Aktuelle Stand, Herausforderungen & Ausblick, 2. Forum Sektorkopplung, «KVAs in der Energiewende», 20. März 2024, OST, Campus Rapperswil-Jona, Vortrag Download
  • Bertsch, S.: Industrielle Energie- und Prozesssysteme – Handlungsempfehlungen; 23. ENAW Fachtagung, 6. November 2024, ETH Zürich
  • Bertsch, S.: Handlungsempfehlungen für eine nachhaltige Zukunft, Energieforum, 16.9.2024, LIHGA Schaan, Vortrag Download 
  • Bless, F.: Présentation de l’annexe IEA 58 sur les pompes à chaleur haute température et autres études de cas, 16ème édition du colloque annuel du Pôle Cristal, 5th novembre 2024, Dinan, France
  • Brendel, L. P. M.: Industrielle Wärmepumpen – Anwendungen, Temperaturen, Kältemittel, invited lecture at the Technical University of Dresden, Dresden, Germany, December 2024
  • Brendel, L. P. M.: Industrielle Wärmepumpen – Anwendungen, Temperaturen, Kältemittel, technology overview for the regular Fachkolloquium Wärmepumpe, Buchs SG, Switzerland, December 2024
  • Brendel, L. P. M.: Large scale heat pumps gain traction quickly Insights on temperatures, applications and refrigerants, invited talk at Turboden event Heat Electrification - ready decarbonization solutions for industries and utilities, Dortmund, Germany, November 2024
  • Brendel, L. P. M.: Industrielle Wärmepumpen – Anwendungen, Temperaturen, Kältemittel, invited talk at the Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany, November 2024
  • Brendel, L. P. M.: Großwärmepumpen – Anwendungen, Temperaturen, Kältemittel, presented at the EnAW-Workshop, Olten, Switzerland, October 2024
  • Brendel, L. P. M.: Großwärmepumpen – Anwendungen, Temperaturen, Kältemittel, presented at the Transformation unserer Energieversorgung – Lösungen für die Dekarbonisierung von Unternehmen, Kommunen und Organisationen, Dortmund, Germany, September 2024
  • Eschmann, M.: Technische Entwicklungs- und Verbesserungspotenziale von Wärmepumpen, Swissbau 2024, 17. Januar 2024, Vortrag Download, Video Referat
  • Eschmann, M.: Präsentation Feldmessung, Swissbau 2024, 17. Januar 2024, Vortrag Download
  • Markstaler M.: Wie viel Photovoltaik verträgt das Verteilnetz, Tagung VNBs Thurgau (VTE), Zürich (VKE), St. Gallen-Appenzell (ESA), 27.2./5.3./2.4.2024 (Vortrag Download)
  • Markstaler M.: AgriPV und alpine Solaranlagen, Vortragsreihe Faszination Energie, OST Campus Buchs, 21.3.2024 (Vortrag Download)
  • Markstaler M.: Wirtschaftlichkeit AgriPV, am Kurs Photovoltaik in der Landwirtschaft, AGRIDEA, Bern, 23.1.2024
  • Nigsch, S., Mönnich, J.: Ladeinfrastruktur für die Zukunft der Elektromobilität, OST-Campus Buchs, 11.06.2024
  • Nigsch, S.: Second Life Use Systems – Container Design of a 2nd Life Battery Storage System, CircuBAT Annual Conference, SIPBB in Biel/Bienne, 31.10.2024
  • Nigsch, S., Vinzenz M.: DC/DC-Converter for 2nd Life Battery Storage Systems, iBAT Annual Conference, SBB Bern, 20.11.2024






  • Arpagaus, C., Bless, F., Bertsch, S.S., Schiffmann, J.: Wärmepumpen für die Industrie: Eine aktuelle Übersicht, 25. Tagung des BFE-Forschungsprogramms «Wärmepumpen und Kälte», 26. Juni 2019, BFH Burgdorf (Vortrag).
  • Arpagaus, C.: Test Procedures on Heat Pump Water Heaters, IEA HPT Annex 46, 7th Working Meeting, May 16-17, 2019, Seoul, South Korea.
  • Arpagaus, C.: Industrial heat pump references in Switzerland – Examples (Task 1, first draft), IEA TCP HPT Annex 48 Meeting May 13-14, 2019, Tokyo, Japan.
  • Arpagaus, C.: Hochtemperatur-Wärmepumpen für industrielle Anwendungen4. Internationaler Grosswärmepumpen Kongress, 8. Mai 2019, Zürich.
  • Bertsch, S.: Wärmepumpen für Haushalt und Industrie, EnAW Gruppensitzung, 7.11.2019.
  • Bertsch, S.: Stromverbraucher Wärmepumpe: Past, Present, and Future,  ETG-Fachtagung Energiend der Zukunft, Electrosuisse, 14.5.2019.
  • Bertsch, S.: Welchen Betrag zur Energiewende können Wärmepumpen leisten?, Energietag Sevelen, 11.5.2019.
  • Bertsch, S.: Kurs «Wärmepumpen und Geothermie». Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil, Rapperswil (CH), 25.02.-27.05.2019.
  • Markstaler, M.: Potential thermischer Speicher durch Wärmepumpen und PV, 17. Nationale Photovoltaik-Tagung, Bern, 26.3.2019. 
  • Markstaler, M.: Mit Wärmepumpen den Eigenverbrauch erhöhen, Verein St. Galler Rheintal, 13.6.2019. 
  • Markstaler, M.: Bauen mit der Sonne, Idee-Suisse an der NTB, 14.11.2019.
  • Markstaler, M.: Entwicklung der Photovoltaik, SolarKirche Buechen-Staad, Evang. Kirchengemeinde Buechen, Thal, 22.11.2019.
  • Nigsch, S.: WPT - history, principle, challenges and state of the art, IEEE Seminar on WPT systems, Oct 28-29, 2019, Warsaw, Poland.



  • Arpagaus C., Bless F., Schiffmann J., Bertsch S.S.: Hochtemperatur Wärmepumpen: Marktübersicht und Stand der Forschung, Deutsche Kälte- und Klimatagung (DKV), Arbeitsabteilung IV: Klimatechnik und Wärmepumpenanwendung, 23. Nov. 2017, Bremen, Deutschland (Kurzfassung)
  • Arpagaus C., Bless F., Schiffmann J., Bertsch S.S., Review on high temperature heat pumps - market overview and research status, European Heat Pump Summit, Oct 24-25, 2017, Nuremberg, Germany
  • Arpagaus C., Bless F., Schiffmann J., Bertsch S.S., Review on high temperature heat pumps - market overview and research status, International Workshop on High Temperature Heat Pumps, Sept 11, 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Bertsch S., 2017, Effiziente Abwärmenutzung für Prozesswärme und Dampf, Vortrag an der EnAW Fachtagung, Greiner Packaging AG, 14.11.2017
  • Bless, F.; Arpagaus, C.; Bertsch, S.; Schiffman, J.: Theoretical analysis of steam generation methods – the case of high temperature heat pump. The Seventh International Symposium on Energy (Energy7). Manchester (GB), 13.–17.08.2017
  • Marquart, J.: Inductive EVSE Technologies – Available technologies, market products and energy Efficiency. IEA-4E Workshop on Efficient Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE). Wien (A), 28.9.2017
  • Schiffmann, J.; Carré, J.; Arpagaus, C.; Bertsch S.: Turbocompressors for Domestic Scale Heat Pumps – A Critical Review. 12th IEA Heat Pump Conference. Rotterdam (NL), 15.–18.05.2017. Oral presentation O.1.6.1
  • Schiffmann, J.; Carré, J.; Weickgenannt, A.; Arpagaus, C.; Bless, F; Bertsch, S.: Turbokompressoren für Wärmepumpen – Eine Übersicht. 23. Tagung des BFE-Forschungsprogramms «Wärmepumpen und Kälte». HTI, Burgdorf (CH), 14.06.2017


  • Bertsch, S.: Wärmepumpen: Trends und Entwicklungen. Bauen-Modernisieren Messe. Zürich (CH),8.-11.9.2016