Dr. Mihaela Dudita-Kauffeld

SPF Institut für SolartechnikProjektleiterin SPF
+41 58 257 41 69mihaela.dudita@ost.ch
- Voinea, M., Duta, A. (55-58) Optical characterization of copper oxides films deposited by spray pyrolysis on microglass substrates, in: Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov Nr. 4
- M. Dudita, L.M. Manceriu, M. Anastasescu, M. Nicolescu, M. Gartner, A. Duta (2014) Coloured TiO2 based glazing obtained by spray pyrolysis for solar thermal applications, in: Ceramics International Nr. 40, S. 3903–3911
- Dudita, M., Isac, L., Duta, A. (2012) The solvent influence on the properties of solar selective coatings obtained by spray pyrolysis, in: Bulletin of Material Science Nr. 35 (6)
- Dudita, M., Bogatu, C., Enesca, A., Duta, A. (2011) The influence of the additives composition and concentration on the properties of SnOx thin films used in photocatalysis, in: Materials Letters Nr. 65 (14), S. 2185-2189
- Dudita, M., Bogatu, C., Enesca, A., Duta, A. (2011) Thin films of SnO2 obtained electrochemically from surfactants containing electrolytes, in: Revue Roumaine de Chimie Nr. 7
- Enesca, A., Bogatu, C., Voinea, M., Duta, A. (2010) Opto-electronic properties of SnO2 layers obtained by SPD and ECD techniques, in: Thin Solid Films Nr. 519, S. 563–567
- Vladuta, C., Voinea, M., Purghel, E., Duta, A. (2009) Correlations between the structure and the morphology of PET–rubber nanocomposites with different additives, in: Materials Science and Engineering B Nr. 165, S. 221–226
- Voinea, M., Ienei, E., Bogatu, C., Chitanu, G. C., Duta, A. (2009) Solar selective coatings based on nickel oxide obtained via spray pyrolysis, in: Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Nr. 9 (8), S. 4279-4284
- Bogatu, C., Voinea, M., Duta, A., Chitanu, G.C., Pelin, I.M. (2009) The electrochemical deposition of Cu/CuOx solar selective coatings with controlled morphology, in: Revue Roumaine de Chimie Nr. 54(3), S. 235–241
- Voinea, M., Bogatu, C., Chitanu, G.C., Duta, A., (2008) Copper cermets used as selective coatings for flat plate solar collectors, in: Revista de Chimie Nr. 59 (6), S. 659-663
- Purghel, E., Voinea, M., Isac, L., Duta, A. (2008) Optical properties of Ni/NiOx as infiltration agent in cermet solar IR absorber, in: Revista de Chimie Nr. 59 (4), S. 469-471
- Voinea, M., Vladuta, C., Bogatu, C., Duta, A. (2008) Surface properties of copper based cermet materials, in: Materials Science and Engineering: B Nr. 152, S. 76-80
- Voinea, M., Duta, A. (2007) Electrochemical deposition of black nickel solar absorber coatings on copper substrate for solar thermal applications, in: Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials Nr. 9 (5)
- Moldovan, C., Voinea, M. (2007) Life cycle analysis of a solar collector, in: Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov Nr. 4, S. 651-654
- Ienei, E., Voinea, M., Duta, A. (2007) Selective coatings used for flat plate collectors, in: Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov
- (2010) Language learning and teaching tools linked to the Glossary thematic areas - Student's Book, Teaching Notes, Test Book, Best project No 2008-1 BG I-LEO05-00458
- (2010) Multilingual Picture Glossary in Bulgarian, English, Spanish, Turkish and Romanian in the fields of Construction, Construction Management, Energy Efficiency, Electricity, ICT and Environment, Best project No 2008-1 BG I-LEO05-00458
- Ion Visa, Anca Duta (ed.) (2005) Basics of Renewable Energy Systems, Ed. Universitatii Transilvania Brasov, ISBN 973-635-541-1