Automation / Laborautomation
[1] Koller-Hodac A.: “A fully traceable development methodology for mechatronical systems in the medical and diagnostic fields”. 8th International Workshop on Research and Education in Mechatronics, Estonia, June 2007, ISBN 978-9985-59-707-1, s. 220-223
[2] Altmeyer M., Koller-Hodac A.: „E-Learning Webbasierte Automation“. Internationales Forum Mechatronik IFM 2010, Winterthur, Switzerland, September 2007
[3] Altmeyer M.: „Lernfeld Automation über das Web“. In: FESTO Trends in Automation 14/2008
[4] Koller-Hodac A.: „Mikrofluidische Technologien - Die Zukunft des Liquid Handlings in der Laborautomation“. BioForum 04/2007, Git Verlag, S. 24-25
[5] Müller B.M., Felder D., Koller-Hodac A., Lüchinger B., Ehrig F.: “Development of a real-time verification tool for liquid handling systems”. MIPTEC Drug Discovery, Basel, Switzerland, September 2010
Assistive Robotics / Robotics
[1] Seatovic, Dejan, Schori, D., König, M., Fellberius, N., Zellweger, P., Anken, T., & Sax, M. (2020). WeedEraser: The Next Generation of Organic broad-leaved Dock and Weed control. AKAL 2020, 22, 6.
[2] Devreker, A., Tran, P. T., Rosa, B., De Praetere, H., Häni, N., Famaey, N., Šeatović, D., Herijgers, P., Sloten, J. V., Reynaerts, D., & Poorten, E. V. (2016). Intuitive Control Strategies for Teleoperation of Active Catheters in Endovascular Surgery. Journal of Medical Robotics Research, 01(03), 1640012.
[3] Vander Poorten, E., Tran, P., Devreker, A., Gruijthuijsen, C., Portoles-Diez, S., Smoljkic, G., Strbac, V., Famaey, N., Reynaerts, D., Vander Sloten, J., Tibebu, A., Yu, B., Rauch, C., Bernard, F., Kassahun, Y., Metzen, J. H., Giannarou, S., Zhao, L., Lee, S., … Herijgers, P. (2016). Cognitive AutonomouS CAtheters Operating in Dynamic Environments. Journal of Medical Robotics Research, 01(03), 1640011.
[4] Rohner, S.; Bermes, C.; Felder, D.; Leonardo, D., Goeldi, S.; Koller, A.: "Patello: Clinical Usability and Marketability of a knee Rehabilitation device". IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Robotics, Zürich, 2016.
[5] Meiser, V., & Šeatović, D. (2013). System integration: A comparison of the SCATh and the CASCADE system architecture. 3rd Joint Workshop on New Technologies for Computer/Robot Assisted Surgery, 11-13 September 2011, Verona, Italy.
[6] Meiser, V., & Šeatović, D. (2011). Software platform for multiple sensor integration and visualization of interventional procedures in catheter guidance. Joint Workshop on New Technologies for Computer/Robot Assisted Surgery, 11-13 July 2011, Graz, Austria.
[7] Šeatović, D., & Meiser, V. (2011). Ergonomic Touch-Less Control of SCATh Application. Joint Workshop on New Technologies for Computer/Robot Assisted Surgery, 11-13 July 2011, Graz, Austria, 4.
[8] Šeatović, D. (2011). Smart catheterization: A framework for real time catheter navigation system. International Journal of Cumputer Assisted Radiology and Surgery.
[9] Koller-Hodac A., Leonardo D., Walpen S. und Felder D.: “Knee Orthopaedic Device: How Robotic Technology Can Improve Outcome in Knee Rehabilitation”. Accepted for IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics 2011, Zürich, Switzerland, June 2011
[10] Koller-Hodac A., Germann D., Gilgen A., Dietrich K., Hadorn M., Schatz W., Eggenberger P.: „Actuated Bivalve Robot, Study of the Burrowing Locomotion in Sediment”. ICRA International Conference of Robotics and Automation, Anchorage, USA, May 2010
[11] Altmeyer M., Koller-Hodac A., Walpen S., Auerswald J., Follonier S., Eggmann K., Lüthy M., Wiki M. : “Automation Methodology for Assembly and Hybrid Bonding of Fluidic Cartridges”. Conference LabAutomation 2010, Palm Springs, USA, January 2010
[12] Koller-Hodac A., Altmeyer M., Walpen S.: “Precision assembling and hybrid bonding for micro fluidic systems”. Fifth International Precision Assembly Seminar IPAS 2010, Chamonix, France, February 2010
[13] Altmeyer M., Koller-Hodac A., Walpen S.: “Hybrid Robot Gripper and Tools for Handling and Bonding Micro Fluidic Chips”. IRS International Robotics Symposium, Munich, Germany, June 2010
[14] Koller-Hodac A., Leonardo D., Walpen S. und Felder D.: “A Novel Robotic Device for Knee Rehabilitation Improved Physical Therapy Through Automated Process”. IEEE International Conference for Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics 2010, Tokyo, Japan, September 2010
[15] Koller-Hodac A.: “Regelung für parallele Robotersysteme”. Vortrag, Cresamotion Seminar, Sarnen, Switzerland, November 2010
[16] Altmeyer M., Koller A., Walpen S., Follonier S., Auerswald J., Lüthy M.: “Tools and methods for assembling highly functionalized microfluidic chips”. MIPTEC drug discovery 2009, Basel, Switzerland, September 2009
[10] Koller-Hodac A.: „Traglast für Robotersysteme“. Vortrag, Kuka Techniker Seminar, Dietlikon, Switzerland, Februar 2009
Energy efficiency
[1] Kleinmann S., Dabrowska A., Hoffmann M., Kühn H., Koller-Hodac A., Ralf Stetter R.: “Advanced Control of Industrial Pump Systems”. In: Proceedings of the 7th workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis ACD 2009, Poland, November 2009
[2] Kleinmann S.; Dabrowska A.; Koller-Hodac A.; Leonardo D.: “Model of a combined pump and drive system for advanced control and diagnosis”. 5th International Conference Mechatronic Systems and Materials MSM 2010, Opole, Poland, July 2010
[3] Koller-Hodac A.: „Anwendung von fortgeschrittenen Regelungs- und Diagnoseverfahren bei Pumpensystemen“. Blue-Tech Kongress 2010, Winterthur, Switzerland, September 2010
[4] Kleinmann S., Koscielny J.M., Koller-Hodac, A., Paczynski A., Stetter R.: “Concept of an advanced monitoring, control and diagnosis system for positive displacement pumps”. Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems SysTol 2010, Nice, France, October 2010
[5] Kleinmann S., Dabrowska A., Leonardo D., Stetter R., Koller-Hodac A.: “Advanced and Predictive Diagnosis on the Example of Pump Systems”. 8th workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis ACD 2010, Ferrara, Italy, November 2010
[6] Kleinmann S., Leonardo D., Koller-Hodac A.: „Intelligente Pumpensysteme“. VDI Tagung Antriebssysteme 2011, Nürtingen, Deutschland, September 2011
[7] Leonardo D., Kleinmann S., Koller-Hodac A., Dabrowska A., Stetter R.: Simulation of a hydraulic pump application for monitoring and diagnosis methods. 2011 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Trieste, Italy, August 2011
[8] Kleinmann, S., Stetter, R., Koller-Hodac, A., Koscielny, J.M.: Konzept für die fortgeschrittene Regelung und Diagnose von Pumpensystemen. In: Automation 2011. VDI-Berichte 2143. Düsseldorf: VDI, 2011 (S. 317 – 320)
[9] Agathe Koller-Hodac & Stefan Kleinmann (Eds.) Ralf Stetter: Advanced Control and Diagnosis of Industrial Pump Systems, September 7, 2012
Verlag Dr. Kovac; 1 edition (September 7, 2012), ISBN-13: 978-3830066576
Messtechnik / Measurement Technology
[1] Cool, S. R., Pieters, J. G., Seatovic, D., Mertens, K. C., Nuyttens, D., Van De Gucht, T. C., & Vangeyte, J. (2017). Development of a Stereovision-Based Technique to Measure the Spread Patterns of Granular Fertilizer Spreaders. Sensors, 17(6).
[2] Cool, S., Vangeyte, J., Nuyttens, D., Mertens, K., Van De Gucht, T., Mora, S., Sonck, B., Seatovic, D., & Pieters, J. (2015). Measuring the dynamic mass flow rate of a centrifugal fertilizer spreader. In 10th European Conference on Precision Agriculture.
[3] Damian, S., Thomas, A., & Dejan, Š. (2019). Using Fully Convolutional Networks for Rumex Obtusifolius Segmentation, a Preliminary Report. 2019 International Symposium ELMAR, 119–122.
[4] Šeatović, D. (2008). A Segmentation Approach in Novel Real Time 3D Plant Recognition System. In A. Gasteratos, M. Vincze, & J. Tsotsos (Eds.), Computer Vision Systems (Vol. 5008, pp. 363–372). Springer Berlin / Heidelberg.
[5] Šeatović, D., & Grüninger, R. (2007, June). Smart Weeder: Novel Approach In 3D Object Recognition, Localization And Treatement Of Broad Dock In Its Natural Enviroment.
[6] Šeatović, D., Kutterer, H., & Anken, T. (2010). Automatic weed detection and treatment in grasslands. ELMAR, 2010 PROCEEDINGS, 65 –68.
[7] Šeatović, D., Kutterer, H., Anken, T., & Holpp, M. (2009). Automatic Weed Detection in Grassland. Innovations to Meet Future Challenges / Conference: Agricultural Engineering, Land.Technik - AgEng 2009, 530.
[8] Šeatović, D. (2013). Methods for Real Time Plant Detection in 3-D Point Clouds [Leibniz Universität Hannover]. http://
[1] Seatovic, D., Alves, P., Takac, F., Euler, H. J., & ZEBHAUSER, B. (2011). Calculation method for network-specific factors in a network of reference stations for a satellite-based positioning system.
Kontakt mit ILT
ILT – Institute for Lab Automation and Mechatronics | Oberseestrasse 10 | 8640 Rapperswil-Jona | Switzerland | Tel. 058 257 47 25 | |
Prof. Dr. Agathe KollerILT Institut für Laborautomation und MechatronikInstitutsleiterin ILT, Studiengangleiterin Master of Science MSE, Professorin
+41 58 257 49
Prof. Dr. Dejan ŠeatovićISF Institut für intelligente Systeme und Smart FarmingInstitutsleiter ISF - Institut für Intelligente Systeme und Smart Farming
+41 58 257 47
Stefan GrätzerStudiengang BSc Maschinentechnik | InnovationDozent Technologische Innovationen
+41 58 257 41