David Bischof

IMP Institut für Mikrotechnik und PhotonikProjektleiter, Fachverantwortlicher 3D Laserbearbeitung von Glas
+41 58 257 34 91david.bischof@ost.chhttps://www.ost.ch/de/forschung-und-dienstleistungen/technik/systemtechnik/imp/photonik
Curriculum Vitae
David Bischof studied systems engineering at the University of Applied Sciences and Technology Buchs (NTB) with a focus on technology and process engineering. He completed his studies in 2010 with a bachelor thesis on tip arrays for atomic force microscopy with integrated sensors. Afterwards he did his master’s studies between 2011 and 2014 in optical systems at the University of Applied Sciences Ravensburg-Weingarten. Since October 2010 David Bischof is working for the Institute for Micro- and Nanotechnology of the University of Applied Sciences and Technology Buchs. His interests include optical sensors, integrated waveguides and the combination of microsystems with optics.
- Selective Laser Etching
- Laser written waveguides
- Optical Interference Coatings
- Opto-Mechanical Systems Design
- Design and Simulation of waveguide structures
- MEMS manufacturing processes
- Optomechanical Engineering
Betreute Arbeiten
Verfasser/in | Titel | Jahr | Art der Arbeit |
Mauro Stoffel, Luzian Weber | RGB Farbmischung - Konzepte und Systeme | 2020 | Bachelorarbeit |