Rauscharmer Phasenrauschmessplatz für die Fertigungsindustrie
Das Phasenrauschen von Quarzen und Oszillatoren beeinflusst die Leistungsfähigkeit von Telekommunikationssystemen. Eine effiziente und automatisierte Messung verschiedener Signalquellen innerhalb von Produktionsanlagen oder im Labor ist deshalb entscheidend.
The cross-correlation method allows phase-noise measurements of high-quality devices with very low noise levels, using reference sources with higher noise levels than the device under test. To implement this method, a phase-noise analyzer needs to compute the cross-spectral density, that is, the Fourier transform of the cross-correlation, of two time series over a wide frequency range, from fractions of Hz to tens of MHz. Furthermore, the analyzer requires a high dynamic range to accommodate the phase noise of high-quality oscillators that may fall off by more than 100 dB from close-in noise to the noise floor at large frequency offsets. This paper describes the efficient implementation of a cross-spectrum analyzer in a low-cost FPGA, as part of a modern phase-noise analyzer with very fast measurement time.
Laufzeit: 01.01.2011 - 31.12.2015
Prof. Dr. Heinz Mathis
ICOM Institut für KommunikationssystemeProfessor for Wireless Communications, Institutsleiter ICOM
+41 58 257 45