About SCHP - Swiss Congress for Health Professions

The Swiss Congress for Health Professions is the platform for the exchange of knowledge among health professions at universities of applied sciences:

  • Occupational therapy
  • Nutrition and Dietetics
  • Midwives Care
  • Physical therapy
  • medical-technical radiology (Romandie)
  • Osteopathy

past occasions:

  • april 2010 in Fribourg (HES-SO)
  • mai & june 2012 in Winterthour (ZHAW)
  • march 2014 in Bern (BFH)
  • september 2016 in Lugano (SUPSI)
  • september 2018  in Zurich (Kalaidos)
  • september 2018  in Neuchâtel (Haute Ecole Arc)

Congress languages 

French, German, English

Register directly

We look forward to your participation