Archiv Verbindungstechnik
Hier finden Sie das Archiv der Fachbeiträge vom Fachbereich Verbindungstechnik.
Innovative Verbindungstechnik – Erfolgreiches 1. Bonding Forum
S. Popovic (MA des Teams von P. Jousset), KunststoffXtra, 7-8/2018
Adhesive Bonding in High Temperature Applications
C. Corbisieri, D. Stapf, P. Jousset, G.A. Barandun, O. Mathews, S. Feldhaus, Performance increase in continuous casting of steel by adhesive bonding, 3/18
Characterisation and FE simulation of polyurethane elastic bonded joints under multiaxial loading conditions
C. Amstutz, M. Bürgi, P. Jousset, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 83, 2018, 103-115
C. Steffen, M. Bürgi, P. Jousset, Characterisation and FE simulation of polyurethane elastic bonded joints under multiaxial loading conditions, submitted for publication and accepted for publication in the International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives (IJAA)
C. Steffen, M. Bürgi, P. Jousset, Characterisation and FE simulation of polyurethane elastic bonded joints under multiaxial loading conditions, submitted for publication and accepted considering minor revision to the International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives (IJAA)
P. Bidaud, R. Créac’hcadec, P. Jousset, D. Thévenet: A fatigue life prediction method of adhesively bonded joints based on visco-elastic and visco-plastic behavior: application under cyclic shear loading, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 30(15), S. 1641-1661
Bürgi M., Jousset P.: Materialdaten äquibiaxial bestimmen, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2016, S. 25-29
M. Bürgi, P. Jousset, Finite-Elemente-Simulation Elastischer 1K-PU-Klebungen-Materialdaten äquibiaxial bestimmen, Adhäsion, 04.2016, 44-48
P. Bidaud, R. Créac’hcadec, D. Thévenet, JY. Cognard, P. Jousset: A prediction method of the behavior of adhesively bonded structures under cyclic shear loading based on a characterization of the viscous aspects of the adhesive in an assembly, The Journal of Adhesion 91 (9), 701-724
P. Bidaud, D. Thévenet, R. Créac'hcadec, P. Jousset: Analyse du comportement cyclique d'un adhésif pour applications éoliennes dans un assemblage, Mécanique des Polymères, S22
P. Jousset, M. Rachik: Comparison and evaluation of two types of cohesive zone models for the finite element analysis of fracture propagation in industrial bonded structures, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 132, 48-69
WD. Dang, P. Jousset, M. Rachik: Weld-Bonded Joints Properties with Advanced High Strength Steel DP600, Advanced Materials Research 941, 2066-2073
P. Jousset, M. Rachik: Implementation, identification and validation of an elasto-plastic-damage model for the finite element simulation of structural bonded joints, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 50, 107-118
R. Créac'Hcadec, G. Jamin, JY. Cognard, P. Jousset: Experimental analysis of the mechanical behaviour of a thick flexible adhesive under tensile/compression-shear loads, International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives 48, 258-267
P. Jousset: FE Simulation for Crash-Resistant Adhesives, ADHESION ADHESIVES&SEALANTS 9 (4), 16-20
P. Jousset: Einfache Parameter-identifikation und Modellierung, adhäsion KLEBEN & DICHTEN 56 (6), 16-21
J.Y. Cognard, L. Sohier, P. Jousset, M. Rachik, R. Créac’hcadec, Experimental analysis of the mechanical behaviour of a ductile adhesive in an assembly under radial tensile-shear loads, Adhesives: Types, Mechanics and Applications, NovaPublisher’s, Frank Columbus Ed., 2011
P. Jousset, M. Rachik: Pressure-dependent plasticity for structural adhesive constitutive modeling, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 24 (11-12), 1995-2010
P. Jousset and M. Rachik, Kohäsivzonenmodell für die Finite Elemente Simulation von strukturellen Klebverbindungen: Modellierung, Parameteridentifikation und Validierung, NAFEMS Magazin 17: 24-34, 10/11 2010
D. Lootens, P. Jousset, L. Martinie, N. Roussel, RJ. Flatt: Yield stress during setting of cement pastes from penetration tests, Cement and concrete Research 39 (5), 401-408
D. Lootens, P. Jousset, C. Dagallier, P. Hebraud, RJ. Flatt: The «Dog Tail Test»: A Quick and Dirty Measure of Yield Stress. Application to Polyurethane Adhesives, Applied Rheology 19 (1), 13726
P. Jousset, M. Rachik, IS. Koch: Konstitutive Modelle beschreiben die Plastizität, Adhäsion Kleben & Dichten 52 (3), 14-18
Jousset, P.: FE Simulation von strukturellen Epoxy Verklebungen anhand des TAPO Modells, CADFEM ANSYS Simulation Conference, Rapperswil, 2018
Jousset, P.: Auslegung und Prüfung von Multimaterialbauteilen, 12. Rapperswiler Kunststoff-Forum, HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil. 07.09.2017
Hofer, T., Gmür, S., Vetter, D., Steffen, C., Jousset, P.: Improvement of the mechanical properties of adhesive joints using power- ultrasound as pre-treatment, AB2017 4th International Conference on Structural Adhesive Bonding, Porto, 6-7.07.2017
Bürgi, M., Steffen, C., Jousset, P.: Characterisation and FE simulation of elastic bonded joints under complex loading, , AB2017 4th International Conference on Structural Adhesive Bonding, Porto, 6.-7.07.2017
Jousset, P.: Finite Elemente Simulation des Bruchverhaltens von struktutellen Klebverbindungen, Meeting des Akademischer Aviatikverein Zürich, ETHZ, 28.02.2017
Jousset, P.: Prüfung und FE Simulation des Ermüdungsverhaltens verklebter Strukturen, VPE Swiss Workshop - Von Anwendern für Anwender «Langzeitverhalten: Möglichkeiten der numerischen Simulation», HSR Rapperswil, 19.01.2017
Jousset, P.: Latest development at the IWK in polymers, composites and bonding technologies, The 2016 Annual Meeting of Chinese Association of Materials Science and Energy Technology in Switzerland, University of Zürich, 03.12.2016
Dang, W., Jousset, P., Rachik, M.: Finite Element, Simulation of Weld-bonded Joints, China International Bonding 6, 17.-18.10.2016
Jousset, P.: Sample preparation for the mechanical testing of adhesives, Mixpac TECDAYS 2016 Zürich, 29. September 2016
Jousset, P., Bürgi, M.: Kleben in Theorie und Praxis Teil 2: Prüfung und FE-Simulation von 1-K-Polyurethan-Klebstoffen, 11. Rapperswiler Kunststoff-Forum, 01.09.2016, HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil
Jousset, P.: Modellierung von Bruch- und Versagens-Mechanismen von Klebstoffen, Swiss VPE-Workshop, HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil, 18.06.2015
Jousset P.: Auslegung von Klebeverbindungen - Von der Handrechnung zur FE-Simulation, Seminar: Entwicklung von Kunststoffbauteilen, HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil, 19.05.2015
Jousset, P.: Finite Element simulation of elastic silicon adhesive joints for glass bonded structures, 12. ESG conference, 2014, Parma, Italy
Bidaud P., Créac'Hcadec R., Thevenet D., Cognard J.-Y, N. Carrère, P. Jousset, A prediction of the cyclic behaviour of adhesively bonded structure under fatigue loading, 10th European Adhesion Conference EURADH, Alicante, Spain, 2014.
W. Dang, P. Jousset, M. Rachik, Weld-bonded joints properties with advanced high strength steel DP600, ICMSE 2014, Shanghai, China.
P. Bidaud, D. Thevenet, JY. Cognard, P Jousset: Comportement d'une colle structurale sous chargement cyclique: application aux structures composites collées, 21ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 26 au 30 août 2013, Bordeaux, France (FR)
P. Bidaud, R. Créac'Hcadec, D. Thevenet, P. Jousset, JY. Cognard: A strategy for fatigue life prediction of adhesively bonded structures under cyclic loading conditions, 2nd International Conference on Structural Adhesive Bonding
P. Bidaud, R. Créac'Hcadec, D. Thevenet, JY. Cognard, P. Jousset: Analyse du comportement de structures composites collées sous chargement cyclique de traction/compression-cisaillement, 18e Journées Nationales sur les Composites, xxx
P. Jousset, N. Arnaud: Finite element simulation of structural adhesive bonding under dynamic loading, constitutive model, parameters identification and validation on an industrial benchmark, ACEX 2012 (6th International Conference on Advanced Computational ...)
W. Dang, P. Jousset, M. Rachik, Failure prediction of weld-bonded joints with FE simulation, ACA-CIB 2013, Beijing, China
P. Jousset, Finite Elemente Berechnungen verklebter Strukturen, 4. VPE Swiss Symposium, Rapperswil, Switzerland
W. Dang, P. Jousset, M. Rachik, A detailed modeling for fracture simulation of spot welds in advanced high strength steel DP600, CFRAC 3., 2013, Pragues, Czech Republic
P. Jousset, FE-Simulation von strukturellen Klebverbindungen für Crash Berechnung: Modellierung, Parameteridentifikation und Validierung, CrashMAT 2012, Freiburg, Germany
P. Jousset, N. Arnaud, FE-Simulation of structural adhesive bonded joints under dynamic loading. Validation on an industrial benchmark, ACEX 2012, Istanbul, Turkey
P. Bidaud, R. Créac’hcadec, D. Thévenet, J.Y. Cognard, Analysis of the cyclic behaviour of an adhesive in an assembly under tensile-shear loading, EURADH 9., Friedrichshafen, Germany, 2012
P. Jousset and M. Rachik, Finite Element Simulation of the fracture behaviour of structural bonded joints in industrial applications, 6th international conference on fracture of polymers, Composites and Adhesives, 11-15/09/2011, Les Diableret, Switzerland
P. Jousset and M.Rachik, Identification and Evaluation of an Elasto-Plastic Damage Model for the Finite Element Simulation of Sructural Bonded Joints, ACE-X 2010, Paris
P. Jousset and M.Rachik, Kohäsivzonenmodell für die Finite Elemente Simulation von strukturellen Klebverbindungen: Modellierung, Parameteridentifikation und Validierung, NAFEMS Konferenz, 28-29. April 2010, Wiesbaden
P. Jousset, S. Koch and M.Rachik, Process and structural simulation of Adhesives, Conference “Fügen im Karosseriebau« in Bad Hauheim 20/04/2010
D. Lootens, P. Jousset, R. J. Flatt, P. Hébraud, Quantifications de tests industriels: de l’étalement à la queue du chien, 44. GFR, 2009, Strasbourg
P. Jousset and M.Rachik, Evaluation and Identification of Damage Models for the Finite Element Simulation of Sructural Adhesives, ACE-X 2009, Rome
P. Jousset and M.Rachik, Elasto-Plastic Constitutive Model for Finite Element Simulation of structural Adhesives, Simulia Customer Conference 2009, London
P. Jousset and M.Rachik, Evaluation of elasto-plastic constitutive models for Finite Element Simulation of structural adhesives, Euradh 2008, Oxford
P. Jousset and M.Rachik, Development of an Inverse Identification Procedure to Evaluate Material Constitutive Parameters for the Finite Element simulation of Structural Adhesives, EHTC 2008, Strasbourg
P. Jousset and M.Rachik, Simulation par éléments finis du comportement des adhésifs structuraux : Identification de modèles constitutifs appropriés, Séminaire « Graines d’Adhésion » 2008, Bordeaux
P. Jousset, M. Rachik and S. Koch, FE-Simulation von strukturellen Verklebungen, Konstitutive Modelle für Plastizität, FTK 2007, Bremen
P. Jousset, D. Lootens, N. Roussel, RJ. Flatt: Rheology of penetrations tests I: theory and finite element simulations, Proc. 12 th ICCC, July 8-13, 2007, Montreal, 1-12
P. Jousset, M.Schemat, Link S., Application of shape optimization in occupant simulation, 4. European Madymo user conference 2003, Brussels
Workshop Temperierung von Spritzgiesswerkzeugen
Mittwoch, 20. November 2024
Prof. Dr. Pierre Jousset
Leiter Fachbereich Verbindungstechnik
+41 58 257 40 53