Dr. Ramon Hofer Kraner

IDEE Institut für Innovation, Design und EngineeringWissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
+41 58 257 12 61ramon.hofer@ost.ch
Curriculum Vitae
Ausbildung und Studium:
- 2012: BWZ St.Gallen, Lehrmeister "Konstrukteur"
- 2011: ETH Zürich, PhD in human machine interaction
- 2007: ETH Zürich, Didaktischer Ausweis, Maschinenbau
- 2005: ETH Zürich, Dipl. Masch. Ing. ETH: Digitales Produkt, Design und Biomedizinische Technik
- 1999: Matura Kantonsschule Trogen
- Seit 2018: Dozent, Forscher und Coach at FHSG
- 2016 - 2017: CTO, member of the board at OPTREL AG
- 2014 - 2017: Forschungs- und Entwicklungsleiter at OPTREL AG
- 2011 - 2013: Senior Mechanical Engineer at OPTREL AG
- 2005 - 2010: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter / PhD at inspire AG
- 1999 - 2005: Hilfsassistent at ETH Zurich
- Open Systems (Arduino, RasPi, Open Builds ...)
- Product Development (Lecturer, Processes, ...)
- Maker-universe (3D Print, Laser Cut, Tinker worlds, ...)
- Robotic (Low Cost Robotics, Edu Bots, ...)
- IOT (IIOT, Bluetooth, ...)
- New work (open organisations, agile working, ...)
- Digitalization (Transformation Processes, Technologies,...)
- Human Computer Interaction (Technologies, UX Design, User studies, ...)
- Rapid Prototyping (Technologies, Communities, ...)
- Rapid Automation (Research, ...)
- Electronics (Lecturer)
- Programming (Embedded, Desktop, Webpage ...)
- Design (Industrial, Conceptual, ...)
- 3D-modelling & Sketching-
- Industrieprojekte (WING)
- Virtual Reality (IK)
- Elektrotechnik (WING)
Weitere Angaben
- Dissertation:
- R. Hofer, Tracking Technologies for Interactive Tabletop Surfaces, 2011, Diss-Nr. 19654, [BibTeX][Abstract]
- Supervisors: K. Wegener, P. Hora, A. Kunz, M. Fjeld
- Konferenzen:
- R. Hofer, A. Kunz, Digisketch: Taming Anoto Technology on LCDs, Engineering Interactive Computing Systems 2010, 2010, Berlin, Germany, ISBN 978-1-4503-0083-4, Pages 103--108,
- R. Hofer, A. Kunz, TNT: Touch ‘n’ Tangibles on LC-Displays, 8th International Conference on Entertainment Computing - Lecture Notes of Computer Science, 2009, Paris, France, ISBN 978-3-642-04051-1, ISSN 1611-3349, Volume 5709/2009, Pages 222--227,
- R. Hofer, T. Nescher, A. Kunz, QualiTrack: Highspeed TUI Tracking for Tabletop Applications, Interact 2009, 2009, Uppsala, Sweden, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-03658-3_38, Volume LNCS 5727, Issue II, Pages 332--335,
- R. Hofer, D. Naeff, A. Kunz, FLATIR: FTIR Multi-touch Detection on a Discrete Distributed Sensor Array, Tangible and Embedded Interfaces (TEI) 2009, 2009, Cambridge, United Kingdom, ISBN 978-1-60558-493-5, Pages 317--322,
- R. Hofer, A. Kunz, P. Kaplan, MightyTrace: Multiuser Tracking Technology on LC-displays, Proceeding of the twenty-sixth annual SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems, 2008, Florence, Italy, ISBN 978-1-60558-011-1, Pages 215--218,
- C. Ganser Schwab, A. Steinemann, R. Hofer, A. Kunz, InfrActables: Supporting Collocated Group Work by Combining Pen-Based and Tangible Interaction, Proceedings of Tabletop 2007, 2007, Newport, Rhode Island, USA,
- R. Hofer, C. Ganser Schwab, A. Kunz, MatrixView: Extending Immersion in Video Conferencing, Adjunct Proceedings of the 19th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST) 2006, Montreux, Switzerland, October 15-18, 2006, 2006, Montreux, Switzerland,
- R. Hofer, C. Ganser Schwab, A. Kunz, Tracking Technology for Multiple Device Interaction, 18th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 2005, Seattle, Washington, USA
- Patente:
- R. Hofer, P. Kaplan, A. Kunz, System and a Method for Tracking Input Devices on LC-Displays, European Patent Application EP2107446 / ETH Zurich 2009,
- Ramon Hofer-Kraner, Esposito Martin, Blöchlinger Daniel, Sunshade Device Europe Patent Application EP3258306 (A1), Optrel AG, 2016
- Ramon Hofer-Kraner, Esposito Martin, Sunshade Device Europe Patent Application EP3223067 (A1), Optrel AG, 2016
- Ramon Hofer-Kraner, Heusser Jonathan, Blöchlinger Daniel, Protection Device Europe Patent Application EP3213726 (A1), Optrel AG, 2016
- Ramon Hofer-Kraner, Keller Leo, Protection Device for a welder Europe Patent Application EP3000447 (A1) , Optrel AG, 2014
- Ramon Hofer-Kraner, Keller Leo, Iranyi Daniel, Lenzi Arno, Stäubli Tom, Werner Uwe, face protector Europe Patent Application EP2839817 (A1), Optrel AG, 2013
- Ramon Hofer-Kraner, Blöchlinger Daniel, Helmhalter Schweizer Patent CH709011 (A1), Optrel AG, 2013
- https://www.inspire.ethz.ch/people/alumni/Hofer_Ramon_119368019468834/index_EN
Betreute Arbeiten
Verfasser/in | Titel | Jahr | Art der Arbeit |
Rafael Viecelli | KI in der Produktentwicklung | 2024 | Bachelorarbeit |
Patrick Kappler | Optrel AirSense | 2024 | Bachelorarbeit |
Umut Can Tübek | Low Cost Greifersystem für die Making Community | 2022 | Bachelorarbeit |