Ausgewählte Projekte

Vehicular Position Tracking Using LTE Signals, Vol. 66, No. 4, April 2017

This paper proposes and validates, in the field, an approach for position tracking that is based on Long-Term Evolution (LTE) downlink signal measurements.

A setup for real data live gathering is used to collect LTE signals while driving a car in the town of Rapperswil, Switzerland. The collected data are then processed to extract the received LTE cell-specific reference signals (CRSs), which are exploited for estimating pseudoranges. More precisely, the pseudoranges are evaluated by using the “ESPRIT and Kalman Filter for Time-of-Arrival Tracking” (EKAT) algorithm and by taking advantage of signal combining in the time, frequency, spatial, and cell ID domains. Finally, the pseudoranges are corrected for base station’s clock bias and drift, which are previously estimated, and are used in a positioning filter. The obtained results demonstrate the feasibility of a position tracking system based on the reception of LTE downlink signals.

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Every year, several ten thousand patients die on mechanical ventilation.

This happens because the lungs can currently not be monitored adequately in real-time, and thus suboptimal ventilator settings can cause severe lung tissue damage. Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) produces a realtime image sequence of the breathing lungs. So far, no automatic method has been available to detect the physiological regionalung states. We propose an algorithm that clusters the raw pixelbased data of the EIT image sequence into clinically relevant regions with similar physiological behavior. Our implementation is very robust regarding bad signal quality due to low signal to noise ratio (SNR). It is also highly efficient in terms of computational complexity by considering additional physiological knowledge. The functionality of the algorithm has been verified using EIT data of a human subject with acute lung failure at various Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) levels. The results are in agreement with the study protocol. This method brings EIT treatment one step closer towards protective ventilation therapy.

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Von der Firma Sonova AG erhielt das Embedded Software Engineering Lab den Auftrag, den Audio Codec CELT von einer Referenz-Implementation auf einen spezifischen DSP zu portieren.

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Die schweizerische Forschungsinstitution Empa entwickelt unter anderem Schwitz-Torsos.

Diese werden hauptsächlich zur Ermittlung von Wärme und Feuchte Transfer-Informationen bei Bekleidungssystemen und textilen Isolationssystemen eingesetzt.

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Die Firma Enclustra entwickelt und verkauft eigene FPGA Module. 

Diese zeichnen sich unter anderem durch ihre Grösse aus: Trotz immensem Funktionsumfang sind die meisten Module kleiner als eine Kreditkarte. Neue Generationen von FPGAs erfordern immer genauere, stärkere (>100A) und flexiblere Stromversorgungen. Mit herkömmlichen Spannungsreglern wird die Stromversorgung entweder zu schwach, ungenau oder schlicht zu gross für die neue Generation von FPGA Modulen.

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A completely energy autarkic design for a classroom response system is presented.

Maloperation by the user is prevented with the chosen design (no unnecessary buttons and switches). Electronic classroom response systems have been around for quite a while and do exist in various forms and flavors. Most commercially available solutions, however, have several disadvantages. The new device is an easy-to-use, robust form of a clicker, which takes its energy from the click itself, due to a very low-power system using only an energy of around 15 µJ per wireless telegram transmitted from each student to the teacher’s computer. The described system serves as both, a method to check students’ progress in any field of lecturing as well as a tool that (by its development) instructs students in the field of “Energy Harvesting for Small Wireless Devices”. The system also contributes to raising awareness of the material and energy balance in today’s electronics.

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ICOM Institut für KommunikationssystemeProfessor for Wireless Communications, Institutsleiter ICOM

+41 58 257 45