11.09.2025 SWISS AUTOMATION in Rapperswil

Exhibitor / Sponsor / Partner

Register now!

SWISS AUTOMATION will take place on Thursday 11.09.2025 in Rapperswil. To register, please download the form and send it back to automation-rj@ost.ch. Thank you very much!

Please note:

  • As we have a limited number of seats, registrations will be considered on a first come, first served basis.
  • SWISS AUTOMATION starts at 9.15 a.m., i.e. as many exhibition stands as possible must be set up on Wednesday 10 September 2025.

Many thanks to our sponsors, exhibitors and partners




Partners / Media Partners


Do you have questions about SWISS AUTOMATION?

Barbara Licka – Eventorganisatorin – barbara.licka@ost.ch – hilft Ihnen gerne weiter!

ILT – Institute for Lab Automation and Mechatronics  | Oberseestrasse 10 | 8640 Rapperswil-Jona | Switzerland |  www.ost.ch/ilt

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Kontakt mit ILT

ILT – Institute for Lab Automation and Mechatronics  | Oberseestrasse 10 | 8640 Rapperswil-Jona | Switzerland | Tel. 058 257 47 25 | www.ost.ch/ilt | ilt@ost.ch

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