Dr. Jasmin Smajic

IET Institut für EnergietechnikWissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
+41 58 257 43 26jasmin.smajic@ost.ch
Fachliche Schwerpunkte
- Elektromagnetische Felder und Wellen
Curriculum Vitae
Seit 2021 | OST Campus Buchs, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Institut ESA |
2018 - 2021 | NTB Buchs, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Institut ESA |
2018 - 2020 | NTB Buchs, Studium Master of Science in Engineering |
2015 - 2018 | NTB Buchs, Bachelor of Science in Systemtechnik, Studienrichtung Elektronik und Regelungstechnik |
2015 - 2015 | Stadler Altenrhein AG, Mitarbeiter elektrische Endmontage |
2014 - 2015 | Militärdienst als Durchdiener |
2010 - 2014 | GBS St. Gallen, Berufsmittelschule |
2010 - 2014 | Greiner Packaging AG Diepoldsau, Lehre als Automatiker |
- 2004-2011, ABB Schweiz AG, Forschungszentrum in Baden-Dättwil
- Position: Wissenschaftler und Projektleiter
- Forschungsbereich: elektromagnetische Felder und Wellen; elektromagnetische-, thermische- und mechanische Simulationen; Design und Optimierung
- Produkte: Leistungstransformatoren, Distributionstransformatoren, gasisolierte Schaltanlagen (GIS), Regelantriebe und Antriebtransformatoren.
- 2002-2004, ETH Zürich, Institut für Feldtheorie und Hochfrequenztechnik (IFH)
- Position: Wissenschaftler im Labor für Elektromagnetischen Felder und Mikrowellen Elektronik
- Forschungsbereich: elektromagnetische Felder und Wellen; elektromagnetische Simulationen, Design und Optimierung
- Projekte: photonische Kristalle, optische Wellenleiter, Resonatoren, Multiplexer, und Antennen.
- Simulationsbasierte Technologie- und Produktentwicklung
- elektromagnetische Transienten
- Leistungs- und Distributionstransformatoren
- elektrische Maschinen
- Regelantriebe und Antriebtransformatoren
- gasisolierte Schaltanlagen (GIS)
- Optimierung
- Deterministische Methoden (Gradient- und Newton-Verfahren)
- Stochastische Methoden (genetische- und Evolutionsalgorithmen).
- CAD Systeme
- SolidWorks.
- Numerische Feldberechnungsverfahren
- Finite-Elemente-Methode (Finite Element Method) (FEM)
- Randelementmethode (Boundary Element Method) (BEM)
- Finite-Differenzen-Methode (FDM und FDTD)
- Multiple Multipole Program (MMP).
- Transformer with Shielded Clamps, EP 2 430 643 B1, Sep. 12, 2012
- Magnetic Shunt, Magnetic Shunt Arrangement and Power Device, PCT/EP2010/051895, WO/2010/094671
- High-Voltage Device, US 2010/0246085 A1
- High-Voltage Device, EP20100156278
- Circuit Breaker With Parallel Rated Current Paths, US 8,901,447 B2, Dec. 2, 2014
- Transformer Comprising a Heat Pipe, PCT/EP2009/066570, WO/2011/029488.
- Transformer with Shielding Rings in Winding, US 8,797,133 B2, Aug. 5, 2014
- Wound Transformer Core with Support Structure, US 8,957,754 B2, Feb. 17, 2015
- Electrical Transformer with Diaphragm and Method of Cooling Same, US 8,604,899 B2, Dec. 10, 2013
- [15] B. Cranganu-Cretu, M. Jaindl, A. Kostinger, Ch. Magele, W. Renhart, J. Smajic "Multi-Objective Optimization of Shielding Devices for Eddy-Currents using Niching Evolution Strategies", in: International Journal for Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (IOS Press) Nr. Vol. 30, No. 3-4,, S. pp. 135-149
- [25] J. Smajic, W. Holaus, J. Kostovic, U. Riechert “3D Full-Maxwell Simulations of Very Fast Transients in GIS”, in: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics Nr. Vol. 47, No. 5,, S. pp. 1514-1517
- [24] J. Smajic, T. Steinmetz, B. Cranganu-Cretu, A. Nogues, R. Murillo, J. Tepper “Analysis of Near and Far Stray Magnetic Fields of Dry-Type Transformers: 3D Simulations vs. Measurements”, in: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics Nr. Vol. 47, No. 5,, S. pp. 1374-1377
- [23] Ch. Hafner, J. Smajic “Eigenvalue Analysis of Lossy Dispersive Waveguides”, in: Journal of Modern Optics Nr. Vol. 58, No. 5,, S. pp. 467-479
- [13] J. Smajic, B. Cranganu-Cretu, A. Köstinger, M. Jaindl, W. Renhart, Ch. Magele “Optimization of Shielding Devices for Eddy-Currents using Multiobjective Optimization Methods”, in: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics Nr. Vol. 45, No. 3,, S. pp. 1550 - 1553
- [10] J. Smajic, Ch. Hafner, X. Cui, R. Vahldieck “Numerical Optimization of Photonic Crystal Structures”, in: Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience Nr. Vol. 4, Number 3,, S. pp. 675-685
- [11] B. Cranganu-Cretu, J. Smajic, W. Renhart, Ch. Magele “Software Integrated Solution for Design Optimization of Industrial Devices”, in: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, S. pp. 1122 - 1125
- [17] B. Cranganu-Cretu, A. Kertesz, J. Smajic "Coupled Electromagnetic-Thermal Effects of Stray Flux: Software Solution for Industrial Applications", in: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics Nr. Vol. 57, No. 1,, S. pp. 14 - 21
- [19] D. Pusch, J. Smajic, Z. Andjelic, J. Ostrowski "Comparison Between BEM and Classical FEM for a 3D Low-Frequency Eddy-Current Analysis", in: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics Nr. Vol. 46, No. 8,, S. pp. 2919 – 2922
- [20] Ch. Magele, A. Kostinger, M. Jaindl, W. Renhart, B. Cranganu-Cretu, J. Smajic "Niching Evolution Strategies for Simultaneously Finding Global and Pareto Optimal Solutions", in: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics Nr. Vol. 46, No. 8,, S. pp. 2743 – 2746
- [18] C. Trinitis, T. Kustner, J. Weidendorfer, J. Smajic "Sparse Matrix Operations on several Multi-Core Architectures", in: Journal of Supercomputing, Springer Nr. DOI 10.1007/s11227-010-0428-9,
- [08] Ch. Hafner, C. Xudong, J. Smajic, R. Vahldieck “Efficient procedures for the optimization of defects in photonic crystal structures”, in: Journal of the Optical Society of America A Nr. Vol. 24, No. 4,, S. pp. 1177-1188
- [09] J. Smajic, Z. Andjelic, M. Bebendorf “Fast BEM for Eddy-Current Problems Using H-matrices and Adaptive Cross Approximation”, in: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics Nr. Vol. 43, Issue 4,, S. pp. 1269 -1272
- [06] J. Smajic, B. Cranganu-Cretu, J. Ostrowski, Z. Andjelic "Stationary Voltage and Current Excited Complex System of Multimaterial Conductors with BEM”, in: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics Nr. Volume 42, Issue 4,, S. pp. 707-710
- [07] J. Ostrowski, Z. Andjelic, B. Cranganu-Cretu, M. Bebendorf, J. Smajic “Fast BEM-Solution of Laplace Problems with H-Matrices and ACA”, in: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics Nr. Volume 42, Issue 4,, S. pp. 627-630
- [21] A. Yahaghia, Ch. Hafner, A. Fallahi, J. Smajic, B. Cranganu-Cretu, R. Vahldieck (2010) "Efficient Algorithms for the Optimization of Shielding Devices for Eddy Currents", in: International Journal for Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (IOS Press) Nr. Vol. 34, No. 3,, S. pp. 141-154
- [22] Ch. Magele, M. Jaindl, A. Kostinger, W. Renhart, B. Cranganu-Cretu, J. Smajic (2010) "Niching Evolution Strategies Finding Global and Pareto Optimal Solutions", in: COMPEL – The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Eng. Nr. Vol. 29, No. 6,, S. pp. 1514-1523
- [16] J. Smajic, Ch. Hafner (2010) "Plasmonic V-Groove Waveguides: Building Blocks for Optical Transistor", in: Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience Nr. Vol. 7, No. 8,, S. pp. 1-7
- [14] J. Smajic, Ch. Hafner, L. Raguin, K. Tavzarashvili, M. Mishrikey (2009) “Comparison of Numerical Methods for the Analysis of Plasmonic Structures”, in: Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience Nr. Vol. 6, No. 3,, S. pp. 763-774
- [12] J. Smajic, Ch. Hafner, K. Tavzarashvili, R. Vahldieck (2008) “Numerical Analysis of Channel Plasmon Polaritons Enhanced Optical Antennas”, in: Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience Nr. Vol. 5, No. 4,, S. pp. 725-734
- [05] J. Smajic, Ch. Hafner, D. Erni (2004) "Optimization of Photonic Crystals Structures", in: Journal of the Optical Society of America A Nr. Vol. 21, Issue 11,, S. pp. 2223-2232
- [04] D. Karkashadze, R. Zaridze, A. Bijamov, Ch. Hafner, J. Smajic, D. Erni (2004) "Reflection Compensation Scheme for the Efficient and Accurate Computation of Waveguide Discontinuities in Photonic Crystals", in: Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES) Journal Nr. Vol. 19, No. 1a,, S. pp. 10-21
- [03] J. Smajic, Ch. Hafner, D. Erni (2003) "Automatic Calculation of Band Diagrams of Photonic Crystals Using the Multiple Multipole Method", in: Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES) Journal Nr. Vol. 18, No. 3,, S. pp. 172-180
- [01] J. Smajic, Ch. Hafner, D. Erni (2003) "Design and Optimization of an Achromatic Photonic Crystal Bend", in: Optics Express 11, S. pp. 1378-1384
- [02] J. Smajic, Ch. Hafner, D. Erni (2003) "On the Design of Photonic Crystal Multiplexers", in: Optics Express 11, S. pp.566-571
- [9] Ch. Hafner, J. Smajic, R. Vogelgesang (2011) “Computational Techniques for Plasmonic Antennas and Waveguides”, World Scientific Publishing Co, "Plasmonics and Plasmonic Metamaterials: Analysis and Applications" (Edited by G. Shvets and I. Tsukerman), New Jersey, Vol. 1
- [5] Z. Andjelic, J. Smajic, M. Conry (2007) “BEM-based Simulations in Engineering Design”, Springer Verlag, “Boundary Element Analysis: Mathematical Aspects and Applications” (Edited by M. Schanz and O. Steinbach) Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Vol. 29,, pp. 281-352
- [1] Ch. Hafner, J. Smajic (2005) "Efficient and accurate boundary methods for computational optics", "Lecture notes on Advances and Mathematical Issues in Large Scale Simulation", (Edited by Khin-Yong Lam and Heow-Pueh Lee), Institute for Mathematical Sciences of National University of Singapore and World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore, New Jersey, London, Vol. 1
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